Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Spain, Luxembourg, Sweden, France and Slovenia have all made reductions of more than 50% in the number of deaths on their roads since 2001.“Setting a common EU target for reducing the number of road deaths was a vital stimulus to reaching these impressive reductions,” said Antonio Avenoso, ETSC[i] Executive Director during the 5th Annual PIN[ii] Conference which the RSI “Panos Mylonas” was invited.


“The overall EU target was not reached, but good progress has been made in all EU Member States. An ambitious target is key, this is why we supported the European Commission in setting the new 2020 target.[iii] Within the context of the new White Paper on Transport, we also urge them to work together with Member States to reach it,” Mr. Avenoso added.[iv]


The 5th Annual PIN Conference will present the latest country rankings showing the outcome of progress toward the EU target.[v] The 2011 PIN Awards will go to Sweden and Lithuania recognising their particular efforts in reducing road deaths.[vi]


The overall reduction in deaths is remarkable, amounting to over 100,000 deaths since 2001 and the benefits to society are estimated at 176 billion euro.[vii] “These figures show the immense value to society of working to make using the roads safer. The potential for saving is far from being exhausted, particularly as important safety measures remain to be fully implemented, or are still being developed. If we are able to reach the EU 2020 target the further benefit to society could be an additional 182 billion euro,” said Richard Allsop, PIN Programme Chairman.


The three Baltic countries lead the pack in terms of road deaths reductions: Latvia and Estonia have achieved 61% reductions, while Lithuania achieved 58%. They are followed by Spain (55%), Luxembourg (54%), France (51%), Sweden (50%) and Slovenia (50%).Portugal, Ireland, Germany, the UK, Italy, Slovakia and Belgium have all achieved reduction figures better than the 43% EU average. All countries in the PIN project have reduced the number of road deaths compared with 2001.[viii]


The momentum in reducing road deaths registered in 2009 was maintained in 2010: road deaths were cut by 11% compared with the previous year. Luxembourg and Malta achieved the best reductions, with 33% and 29% respectively. Estonia, Sweden, Slovenia and Latvia also ranked close to the top, with reduction figures around 20%. For the first time Romania and Bulgaria achieved reductions better than the EU average: 15% and 14% respectively.[ix]


For more information, please contact PIN Programme Manager Graziella Jost, graziella.jost@etsc.eu, or ETSC Communications Officer Mircea Steriu,mircea.steriu@etsc.eu, Tel: +32 (0)2 230.41.06.


[i]ETSC is a Brussels-based independent non-profit making organisation dedicated to reducing the numbers of deaths and injuries in transport in Europe. The ETSC seeks to identify and promote research-based measures with a high safety potential. It brings together 45 national and international organisations concerned with transport safety from across Europe. www.etsc.eu


[ii]The Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) Programme was launched in June 2006 to compare country road safety performances. It currently includes the 27 countries of the EU, as well as Israel, Norway and Switzerland. The Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) receives financial support from the Swedish Transport Administration, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and Toyota Motor Europe.www.etsc.eu/PIN


[iii] ETSC Response to Road Safety Policy Orientations http://www.etsc.eu/documents/ETSC%20Response%20to%20EC%20Communication_%2022%20Sept%202010.pdf


[iv] ETSC Response to the 2011 White Paper on Transport http://www.etsc.eu/documents/ETSC%20Response%20to%20the%20White%20Paper%20on%20Transport%206%20June%202011.pdf


[v]ETSC 5th PIN Report (2011), 2010 Road Safety Target Outcome: 100 000 fewer deaths since 2001. http://www.etsc.eu/PIN-publications.php


[vi]News related to the two PIN Award recipients is available here http://www.etsc.eu/documents.php?did=1


[vii] This amount is calculated using the Willingness-To-Pay (WTP) approach, which ETSC has advocated since 1997. The WTP method has been used by in the framework of the EU-funded HEATCO project. More information on the estimation method is available in the methodological note published with the 5th PIN Report http://www.etsc.eu/PIN-publications.php

[viii]Fig. 1: Percentage change in road deaths between 2001 and 2010


* Provisional estimates were used for 2010 as final figures for 2010 were not yet available at the time of going to print.

**UK 2010: ETSC estimate for the UK based on EC CARE Quick Indicator.

†Sweden 2010: the definition of road deaths has changed and suicides are now excluded. The time series was adjusted so that figures for previous years exclude suicides as well.


[ix] Fig. 5 Percentage change in road deaths between 2009 and 2010


* Provisional estimates were used for 2010 as final figures for 2010 were not yet available at the time of going to print.

**UK 2010: ETSC estimate for the UK based on EC CARE Quick Indicator.

†Sweden 2010: the definition of road deaths has changed and suicides are now excluded. The time series was adjusted so that figures for previous years exclude suicides as well.

In Luxembourg and Malta, the numbers of road deaths are small and thus subject to substantial annual fluctuation.

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