Roads to the Future - Alliance for safety and courtesy on the road
Roads to the Future - Alliance for safety and courtesy on the road
Athens, 20 March 2009 - In a Press Conference that was realized today in Aigli Zappeiou, the Institute of Road Safety (R.S.I.) “Panos Mylonas”, continuing consequently its effort for the consolidation of responsible mentality for Greek drivers, presented the new initiative
“Roads to the Future… Alliance for safety and courtesy on the road”.
To this creation of this common institution all the companies ATTIKI ODOS S.A., GEFYRA S.A., COSMOTE, DIAGEO Hellas and GENESIS Pharma, linking their voice and their forces with public and private institutions for a better, more responsible and safer future on the roads of Greece. The alliance is supported by theHellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) and the European Committee and takes place under the aegis of Ministry of Transports and Communications, MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENTPLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS, Health Ministry and Municipality of Athens. Supporters and messengers of Alliance for Safety and Civilized Behaviour in the street are also the modern highways, AEGEAN MOTORWAY S.A., MOREAS S.A. and OLYMPIA ODOS S.A.
Common objective of all members of this newly established, but also many promising initiative that will be supported by the R.S.I., is the support and promotion of activities in subjects which promote road safety, traffic education, study, research, enlightenment and education of citizens, aiming in the prevention and reduction of car accidents. More concretely, the axes of action of alliance are: Children and Road Safety (ATTIKI ODOS), Don’t Drink and Drive (DIAGEO), Mobile and Road Safety (COSMOTE), Wellness and Safe Driving (GENESIS Pharma) and Eco-Driving (GEFYRA S.A.) that coexist with the axes of actionof European Council of Safety of Transports (ETSC). Basing on the action axes above and on new axes too, which will be added later concerning their object, the members of alliance undertake to plan and materialize actions that will contribute in the sensitization and activation of public towards the adoption of a responsible driving behaviour.
The event initialised the Mrs Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona, President of Institute of Road Safety “Panos Mylonas” and coordinator of institutions of alliance, expressing her satisfaction for the positive correspondence and attendance for this initiative, marking specifically
“[…] Road Safety and civilization on the road constitute factor of growth and prosperity, but also an element of society’s and country’s culture […] The sensitization and enlightenment of citizens, but also the activation of all forces of private and public sector constitute a decisive factor for our country to cease at last to have a dreary first-lead in deaths from car accidents in Europe. The contribution of companies that are committed and participate in the Alliance does not constitute charitable action, but aim and work of responsibility. Our objective […] is to change the situation on our roads and we will try with all our forces hoping all citizens will experience it [….]”.
During the event addressed a greeting: Mr. Alexis Zorbas, Representative of Health Ministry, Providence and Social Insurances, Mr. Andreas Kordolemis, Police Director, Mrs Basia Trifilli President of Road Safety Organisation of Municipality of Athens, Mrs Isabelle Kardacz, Head  of Road Safety Sector of European Committee, Mr. Ierotheos Papadopoulos, Director of Delegation of European Committee in Greece, Mr. Ioannis Chandanos, President of HellenicInstitute of Transportation Engineers and Mr. George Giannis, President of Attiko Metro S.A., who via their active attitude and their proposals invited the social and enterprising institutions that have strategic interest to subjects of road safety, to be activated and to coordinate their forces with the work of alliance.
Specifically, Mrs I. Kardacz supported entirely the effort of Greek Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” whose actions have stimulated European Committee and she will support it in the future too, pointing out the exceptional initiative of Alliance for the Road Safety in Greece. Moreover, thanked the President of Institute, Mrs Mylona in the presentation of Alliance, stressing that “Alliance” is a marvellous word that means “linked in a common objective to save lives”.
Festive Nationwide Awareness Campaign for Road Safety by the Hellenic Road Safety Institute (RSI)
Best wishes from RSI
Intervention for the enhancement of Road Safety on Athinas Street by the Road Safety Institute (RSI) Panos Mylonas
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