5th edition of ILCAD hosted by UNECE in the framework of the 2nd United Nations Global Road Safety Week, Palais des Nations,Room VIII, Geneva 7 May 2013


5th edition of ILCAD hosted by UNECE in the framework of the 2nd United

Nations Global Road Safety Week, Palais des Nations,Room VIII, Geneva 7 May 2013

 (Paris, 29th April 2013) On 7 May UNECE, UIC and key partners are organizing the 5th  International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD) focusing on educational measures and the promotion of safe behaviour at and around level crossings. A range of national events will be held in more than 42 countries, jointly at various locations with the common ILCAD message “Act safely at level crossings!”, In addition, regular activities are held throughout the year in each country.

From 10:00 to 13:00 on 7 May, an international press conference and roundtable discussion will emphasize the importance of road safety at level crossings.
Eva Molnar, UNECE, Director, Transport Division said: “When road-rail crashes occur, they often result in the tragic loss of life; sometimes more than one person and often from the same community that might never recover from the loss. Such tragedy is hard to deal with as it is likely that it could have been prevented. From time immemorial, when people have come together to form societies they have attempted to create conditions under which citizens can thrive, adopting rules and creating institutions for their protection. The prevention of road accidents is as much the responsibility of society as it is of the individual. At the Inland Transport Committee serviced by UNECE, and in particular at our Road Safety Forum, we have a sound legal basis from which we can build when improving safety at level crossings, in cooperation with ILCAD (Convention on Road Traffic, Vienna 1968; The European Agreement supplementing the Convention; The Consolidated Resolutions on Road Traffic and on Road Signs and Signals ; The Convention on Road Signs and Signals, Vienna 1968). All players together we can make a change!”
Alan Davies, RSSB, Chairman of the European Level Crossing Forum (ELCF) added: “The number of people killed on the roads of the European Union has come down by 50% in the last twelve years. But there are still hundreds killed at level crossings each year. The majority of those are because of incorrect use of level crossings, by pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. People need to be aware of the consequences of misbehaviour so that they will use crossings properly and safely. ILCAD brings together road and rail safety experts with a strong commitment to reduce accidents and fatalities at level crossings.”
Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC, Director General said: “UIC is happy to have coordinated such an international event like ILCAD for 5 years now, gathering so many countries, partners from different sectors worldwide and is particularly proud to be supported and hosted by a recognized institution like UNECE today.”
The ILCAD events will be introduced jointly by Eva Molnar, Director of the UNECE Transport Division, Jerzy Wisniewski, Director of the UIC Fundamental Values Department and Alan Davies, RSSB, Chairman of the European Level Crossing Forum (ELCF).
Key speakers from various countries will debate on the three Es: Engineering, Enforcement and Education aiming at improving safety at level crossings: Estonia, Greece, India, Italy, Switzerland, U.K.
Side events will include a poster signing ceremony and conclude with the opening of an exhibition featuring: entries from an international children’s drawing contest on safety at level crossings, posters made by UIC for ILCAD partners’ needs and other posters issued by ILCAD partners from various countries on the 5 continents for their own campaigns.
The programme of the various events as well as registration details may be obtained at
http://www.unece.org/trans/roadsafe/2nd_grs_week/programme.html please visit also the ILCAD dedicated website www.ilcad.org
Did you know?
· According to the European Railway Agency (ERA): 304 people died at level crossings in 2011, these are still 304 too many! They represent 30% of all railway fatalities in the EU against 1.2% road fatalities, a minor problem for the road but a huge problem for the railways.
· Almost 98% of all accidents at level crossings (at least in Europe) are caused by the misuse of road users and pedestrians who do not respect traffic signs and signals. These people usually live and work near level crossings.
· When a train runs at 90 km/h, it takes up to 1200 metres to stop, depending on the weight of the train. A car travelling at 100 km/hr takes 80 metres to stop.
· According to the French railway infrastructure Manager, Réseau Ferré de France (RFF): 50% of car collisions between a train and a car lead to a fatality: only 5% when it is a “typical road accident”.
Note to editors:
· General Assembly resolution 66/260 of May 2012 requested the United Nations Regional Commissions to organize activities to raise awareness about road safety issues during the United Nations Global Road Safety Week to be held on 6-12 May 2013.
· ILCAD is spearheaded by the International Union of Railways with the support of the railway community (CER, EIM, railways…) and organizations like ETSC and Operation Lifesaver, around the world to raise awareness among road users of the risks at level crossings.
· UIC, International Union of Railways ; 16 rue Jean Rey ; F-75015 PARIS ; Tel: + 33 1 44 49 20 91; + 33 1 44 49 21 33 ; Email: Isabelle Fonverne : fonverne@uic.org ; M. De Cossart : decossart@uic.org
· United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ; Information Unit ; Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland;Tel.: +41 (0) 22 917 44 44 ; Fax: +41 (0) 22 917 05 05 ;Email: info.ece@unece.org
 Réseau Ferré de France (RFF): 50% of car collisions between a train and a car lead to a fatality: only 5% when it is a “typical road accident”.
Note to editors:
· General Assembly resolution 66/260 of May 2012 requested the United Nations Regional Commissions to organize activities to raise awareness about road safety issues during the United Nations Global Road Safety Week to be held on 6-12 May 2013.
· ILCAD is spearheaded by the International Union of Railways with the support of the railway community (CER, EIM, railways…) and organizations like ETSC and Operation Lifesaver, around the world to raise awareness among road users of the risks at level crossings.
· UIC, International Union of Railways ; 16 rue Jean Rey ; F-75015 PARIS ; Tel: + 33 1 44 49 20 91; + 33 1 44 49 21 33 ; Email: Isabelle Fonverne : fonverne@uic.org ; M. De Cossart : decossart@uic.org
· United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ;
Information Unit ; Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland;
Tel.: +41 (0) 22 917 44 44 ; Fax: +41 (0) 22 917 05 05 ; Email: info.ece@unece.org

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