RSI and Brautin bring Road Safety Training at the 15th World Scout Moot in Iceland
RSI and Brautin bring Road Safety Training at the 15th World Scout Moot in Iceland

Athens, 9 August 2017
RSI and Brautin bring Road Safety Training at the 15th World Scout Moot in Iceland

‘Panos Mylonas’ Road Safety Institute (RSI) and Brautin Iceland Road Safety Organization, in cooperation with the Icelandic Boy and Girl Scout Association, organized road safety educational activities and trainings for 5000 scouts, from 95 countries, who travelled to Iceland for the 15th Moot Global scout gathering (25.07 - 02.08), one of the most prestigious and popular scouting events worldwide. The Road Safety initiative included road safety training with the use of simulators, such as the roll over car, alco-goggles, driving simulator, collision weight scale and distraction test, and conducted also research on youth attitudes.

Held for 3 days at the Úlfljótsvatn Scout Centre, near the Lake Úlfljótsvatn in South Iceland, the program was a great success with a participation of more than 1800 scouts, aged between 18-26 years old, the largest amount of visitors between all activities offered in the Global Development Village (GDV). RSI’s and Brautin’s Road Safety program received great feedback and enthusiasm from the young scouts who queued the Road safety center every day in order to participate in all the road safety educational activities that aim to train and raise awareness on key issues for road safety such as DUI, use of mobile phones while driving, seat belt use and more.  

The trainings have been such a success that even the International Service Team – ISTs that run the Scout camp requested an extra training for themselves. At 01.08 an extra road safety training run for more than 250 ISTs who not only did they express their enthusiasm but also stressed the necessity of such trainings for the young scouts. Apart from the trainings, the young scouts showed great interest for the research the RSI is currently conducting regarding youth attitudes on DUI. More than 400 scouts participated in the research, which aims to address drinking and driving amongst young people.

Both Brautin and RSI are delighted and proud to have spread the message for a world without traffic crashes, bringing their vision for the creation of a traffic safety culture among young people around the world even closer. The great interest expressed by the scouts on the road safety project sheds light not only to its success but also to the necessity and relevance of such trainings for young people and novice drivers. No wonder that the organizers of the 15th MOOT in Island announced they are planning to continue the cooperation including road safety trainings in the upcoming scouts meetings.

The activity consists a continuation of action within the project “Scouts for Global Road Safety”. The project was initiated by RSI Panos Mylonas in cooperation with Scouting Ireland and Scouts of Greece;  under the coordination of RSI the project engages National Scouting Organizations under the auspices of WOSM and the United Nations with RSI being in Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC. RSI has already implemented and coordinated actions in Europe, Canada, Japan and Iceland aiming to further expand and disseminate road safety trainings targeting youth and the development of traffic safety culture creating thus a better world without road traffic crashes.
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Best wishes from RSI
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«A Global Approach to Road Safety - Women in Tolling Webinar»
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