Students create for Road Safety - Pan-Hellenic Student Contest of Digital Creation

Athens, February 12th, 2018
Students create for road safety
Pan-Hellenic Student Contest of Digital Creation
A two folded Pan-Hellenic Student Contest of Digital Creation, devoted to Road Safety, is being organized by the Educational Radio-Television of the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs and the Road Safety Institute (R.S.I.) “Panos Mylonas”. Primary students of the country are asked to use their imagination to promote the message, “Taking care on the road!”, while students of Secondary schools will portray their concerns on the subject: “Road Safety is everyone’s Right”.
The road of creation is opened once more -for the current school year- for the Greek students by the Educational Radio-Television which, in collaboration with the Road Safety Institute (R.S.I.) “Panos Mylonas”, organize the Pan-Hellenic Student Contest of Digital Creation. The subject of the competition for Primary school students is titled “Taking care on the road!”, while the Secondary education students are requested to get involved with the issue: “Road Safety is everyone’s Right”.
The contest aims at raising awareness among the Greek youths about road safety and at taking action on the subject through the creation of original digital projects (videos and web applications) which will promote optimized traffic behavior and uphold the importance of the Road Traffic Code (R.T.C.) regulations. Thus, this two folded contest will urge the younger students to understand the basic rules of road safety that need to respect as pedestrians, passengers, as well as cyclists, and the teenagers to realize that using the traffic network carries not only rights but also obligations towards themselves and other road users that need to know and respect, so that both them and their fellow citizens can move around safely without the risk of getting involved in traffic incidents.
An official announcement of the contest took place during the celebration and award ceremony for the students and teachers that stood out during the last school year Panhellenic Student Contest devoted to the 40-year anniversary of the Greek Educational Radio-Television of the Ministry of Education. The ceremony, that took place last week, was attended by the President of R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas”, Mrs. Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona, and other members of the Institute. As for the participating students and teachers, they were happy to receive the book titled “Become a Knight of Road Safety” and the 2018 R.S.I. calendar in order to get ideas for the new contest. (About the ceremony of the Greek Ministry of Education, visit here and here).
The deadline for submitting applications for the contest is April, 15th, 2018. Further information can be found at:
The road of creation is opened once more -for the current school year- for the Greek students by the Educational Radio-Television which, in collaboration with the Road Safety Institute (R.S.I.) “Panos Mylonas”, organize the Pan-Hellenic Student Contest of Digital Creation. The subject of the competition for Primary school students is titled “Taking care on the road!”, while the Secondary education students are requested to get involved with the issue: “Road Safety is everyone’s Right”.
The contest aims at raising awareness among the Greek youths about road safety and at taking action on the subject through the creation of original digital projects (videos and web applications) which will promote optimized traffic behavior and uphold the importance of the Road Traffic Code (R.T.C.) regulations. Thus, this two folded contest will urge the younger students to understand the basic rules of road safety that need to respect as pedestrians, passengers, as well as cyclists, and the teenagers to realize that using the traffic network carries not only rights but also obligations towards themselves and other road users that need to know and respect, so that both them and their fellow citizens can move around safely without the risk of getting involved in traffic incidents.
An official announcement of the contest took place during the celebration and award ceremony for the students and teachers that stood out during the last school year Panhellenic Student Contest devoted to the 40-year anniversary of the Greek Educational Radio-Television of the Ministry of Education. The ceremony, that took place last week, was attended by the President of R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas”, Mrs. Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona, and other members of the Institute. As for the participating students and teachers, they were happy to receive the book titled “Become a Knight of Road Safety” and the 2018 R.S.I. calendar in order to get ideas for the new contest. (About the ceremony of the Greek Ministry of Education, visit here and here).
The deadline for submitting applications for the contest is April, 15th, 2018. Further information can be found at:
Festive Nationwide Awareness Campaign for Road Safety by the Hellenic Road Safety Institute (RSI)
Intervention for the enhancement of Road Safety on Athinas Street by the Road Safety Institute (RSI) Panos Mylonas