The 11th PanHellenic Road Safety Week was successfully completed

`With great success and massive participation from young and older people, the campaign of 11th PanHellenic Road Safety Week was completed. The campaign was implemented by R.S.I.”Panos Mylonas” in collaboration with Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, the support of HELLASTRON and of Coalition for Safety and Culture on Road.
From March the 18th to Sunday the 25th 2018 plenty of events were implemented nationally about Road Safety issues. The purpose of the initiative was to inform, raise awareness and train citizens aiming at prevention and elimination of road casualties. The principal message of the week was “Information and training could and should save lives”. The message above has been carried out from R.S.I. for 13 years and intends to continue realizing it with the help of strategic partners and volunteers by any means for the years to come. Basic concern of the Institute is that road safety training should begin in young age, and during this year several important events were dedicated to children and teenagers in order to adopt good attitudes as drivers and as road users in general.
Two great campaigns took place during this week: “….There is a reason”, Always belt – up and an event concerning the European Road Safety Charter. The informative campaign “….There is a reason”, Always belt – up concerning the use of seat belt was promoted through Greek television , under the supervision of National Council for Radio and Television, and through R.S.I. social media. The event for the European Road Safety Charter gave the opportunity to bodies and organizations to get updated for the greatest platform of Society of Citizens and Road Safety, which operates under the supervision of European Commission.
The following events and activities were performed during the 11th PanHellenic Road Safety Week in collaboration with several bodies and organizations:
Voluntary blood donation at Syntagma Metro station to enhance R.S.I. blood bank for road accidents (18/3) More than 200 volunteers donated blood for R.S.I. This initiative was organized from the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Network, the General Hospital of Nikaia-Pireaus, OASA and Urban Railway Transportation S.A., with the support of HELLASTRON and “Routes to the future”. During the blood donation kids aged 4-12 years old participated at the experiential program of traffic education “In traffic with safety”, playing with Knight Eugene hero. Many of volunteers were not allowed to give blood because they intended to run in 7th Athina Half Marathon.
“….There is a reason”, Always belt – up (19/3) R.S.I. presented the new informative campaign regarding the use of seat belt. The campaign was created by the Institution with the support of research program Toyota Fund For Europe that uses high technology tools in order to update people on hazards when not using seat belt. Relevant leaflet and bookmarks were distributed with the help of HELLASTRON at tolls. Also, campaign’s message was displayed on matrix information boards.
High School in Syros (19/3 and 20/3) High school students were trained on road safety issues participating at special educational programs of the Institute in collaboration with Syros-Ermoupolis Municipality.
“Ekpaideytikh Anagennisi” and “Hellenic Cosmos” Cultrural centre (19/3) Secondary school students of private school “Ekpaideytikh Anagennisi” participated in the experiential educational program on road safety and at night of the same day, students performed the play Life is a song at Hellenic Cosmos premises. Also, the president of the Institute, Mrs. Vasiliki Danelli-Mylona, was honorary awarded as model citizen for her social contribution. Income from ticket sales were donated to rehabilitation centers that care for road traffic accident victims.
Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Network (21/3) At the meeting of European Road Safety Charter(ERSC) representatives of several organizations were informed about what is European Road Safety Atlas, why they should get involved and how they could fulfill it. The meeting was held from R.S.I. along with the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Network and Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers. Good practices from Greece and other countries were presented giving various examples from municipalities, research centers, educational institutions and NGO.
European Day of Courtesy on the Road (22/3) On that day, that promotes good driving manners and compliance to road rules, thousands of leaflets and bookmarks of “….There is a reason”, Always belt – up” campaign were distributed to car drivers at tolls. Also, anyone interested could watch on YouTube TEDx Chania presentation about courtesy on road and its positive influence on road accidents reduction.
Regional Day of Road Safety in West Greece (22/3) A new successful research was carried about drivers’ usage and attitudes regarding new motorways and new Highway Code in collaboration with GEFYRA and Institute’s volunteers. Research results will be presented when analysis is completed.
Educational program “Milo-Lemoni” at Ilioupoli Municipality (22/3) Under the supervision of Traffic Police Primary school students of Ilioupoli have asked drivers passing by their school premises to respect the speed limit of 30 km/hr.
Korydallos Prison (23/3) Prisoners have participated in educational programs of theoretical and experiential training about Road Safety executed by specialists and psychologists in order to get prepared for their release.
Technical University of Crete, Rethymno (23/3) Memorandum of alliance was signed between Technical University of Crete and Institute of Road Safety “Panos Mylonas” for fruitful collaboration on joint interests and activities, scientific researches and educational programs.
Athens Heart (24/3) Children aged 4-12 years old who visited Athens Heart shopping mall had the chance to participate in Institute educational program “In traffic with safety” and introduced to fundamental road safety guidelines in a pleasant and friendly way.
Illustration contest (sketch-caricature) (24/3) “Getting older behind the wheel-Road Safety and Eldery” was the theme of the contest for young people who want to participate in the contest organized by “Nea Thalpi- Elderly Home” and “Ornerakis Fine Arts Center”.
World Human Forum “From Vision to Action” (23-25/3) The Institute of Road Safety “Panos Mylonas” responded to World Human call to participate and present its work at the Forum in Delphi in order to investigate and exchange policies tackling worldwide challenges and highlight new ideas.
After the 11th PanHellenic Road Safety Week was completed the Mobile Road Safety Unit visited the island of Andros offering educational programs to students of Moustakeio Legacy School and to all island’s schools.
Festive Nationwide Awareness Campaign for Road Safety by the Hellenic Road Safety Institute (RSI)
Intervention for the enhancement of Road Safety on Athinas Street by the Road Safety Institute (RSI) Panos Mylonas