14th Panhellenic Road Safety Week (15-22 March 2021)
14th Panhellenic Road Safety Week (15-22 March 2021)
14th Panhellenic Road Safety Week
(15-22 March 2021)

For Safety and Courtesy on the Road
Road Safety Institute (RSI) “Panos Mylonas”, in collaboration with the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (H.I.T.E.), and with the support of the HELLENIC ASSOCIATION of TOLL ROAD NETWORK (HELLASTRON), the Alliance for Safety and Culture on the Road: "Roads to the Future" as well as numerous other institutions and organizations, proudly announces the beginning of the 14th Panhellenic Road Safety Week. For the 14th consecutive year, this week, Bodies and Authorities of our country come together to promote critical issues of traffic education and road safety while informational, educational and institutional actions are being held.
Aim of this initiative is to inform, raise awareness, and educate young and old for the prevention and reduction of road traffic crashes – consisting a global issue being also a constraint for our country’s development.
This initiative includes two more actions aiming at raising awareness among citizens on the major issue of Road Safety which concerns us all:
  • Saturday 13/3/2021 (19:00-20:00): live discussion on Open Your Mind show by nevronas.gr online platform titled “Talking about Road Safety”
The President of RSI “Panos Mylonas” Μrs Vasiliki Danelli-Mylona, Paralympic athlete champion Μrs Dimitra Korokida and National Wheelchair Fencing Team athlete Μrs Adamantia Zachariadi will be joining the forum.
The show will be broadcasted through Zoom on nevronas.gr official Facebook page (coordinated by Nikolas Tsilivarakos and Nikos Pagidas)
  • Sunday 14/3/2021 (10:00-13:00): drivers and citizens information and awareness action on specified areas and risk spots in Acharnai-Thrakomakedones Municipality.
The event will be held by Acharnai-Thrakomakedones Volunteers, Thrakomakedones Women’s’ Association and with the aid of Nea Ionia Traffic Police.
The main actions of the dedicated to Road Safety week are:
  • "Upload a Selfie" for the promotion of “THIS IS MY STREET” worldwide campaign coordinated in Greece and Cyprus by the RSI, as being a member of the International Automobile Federation (FIA).
This campaign gives young people and citizens a voice to demand action for fighitng againist risks on the roads, air pollution, climate change and the co-existence in sustainable cities.
The RSI will be uploading selfies of participants spreading the campaign message for safer and healthier daily travels on its social media profiles between 15 – 22 March.
Supporters to this initiative are also  Governor of Attica Mr. Patoulis and the Mayor of Palaio Faliro Mr. Fostiropoulos who will be photographed promoting the campaign messages 
meeting them in areas where Road Safety infrastructure interventions have either taken place or are needed.  ­­­­


For further information about this campaign and to download its message boards please visit www.mystreetgreece.com
  • Thursday 18/3/2021: the RSI “Panos Mylonas” President and executives will take part in the online 25th European Level Crossing Forum (ELCF) coordinated by the International Union of Railways (UIC) concerning train crossings safety issues.
  • Friday 19/3/2021 (17:00-20:00): online Educational Seminar for Primary and Secondary School Teachers on “Digital Creation and Road Safety” in collaboration with the Educational Radiotelevision & Digital Media Department of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.
  • Monday 22/3/2021 is the European Day of Courtesy on the Road (EDCR) (in collaboration with Responsible Young Drivers-RYD), an initiative aiming to remind all citizens that aggressive and irresponsible behavior on the road can cause road traffic crashes. For this reason, RSI “Panos Mylonas” has issue a useful “bookmark” with emergency numbers and tips to promote important messages for courtesy on the road.
On this day, which is also Western Greece Regional Road Safety Day, the Institute’s Board will visit Western Greece Region to discuss road safety issues and promote the “THIS IS MY STREET” campaign.
  • Panhellenic TV informational campaign for Road Safety
With 4 TV spots, this informational campaign focuses on critical issues about the drivers’ safety:  seatbelt, helmet, distraction and speed, factors which the European Commission also stresses for the prevention of road traffic crashes.
The campaign will be broadcasted by the country’s TV stations until the end of April.
Festive Nationwide Awareness Campaign for Road Safety by the Hellenic Road Safety Institute (RSI)
Best wishes from RSI
Intervention for the enhancement of Road Safety on Athinas Street by the Road Safety Institute (RSI) Panos Mylonas
«A Global Approach to Road Safety - Women in Tolling Webinar»
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Information Centre on Road Safety
5 Pesmazoglou & Stadiou, Stoa tou Vivliou, 105 64 Athens, Tel.: +30.210-32.11.051

Western Greece Office
Management and Operation Center of the Rion-Antirion Bridge, 30020 Antirion

National Road Safety Centre (Coming Soon)
Mesogeion Av. 156, 155 10 Cholargos
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