Dear Friends and Associates,
The “Hellenic Research and Educational Institute “Panos Mylonas” for the Road Safety for the Road Safety, Prevention and Reduction of Traffic Accidents” – (RSI Panos Mylonas) is a not for profit Organization. University Institutions and selectively appointed corporations, sensitized citizens and road safety professionals are the founding members of the Institution. The aim of the Greek Road Safety Institute Panos Mylonas is to “raise awareness and sensitivity of citizens, and to mobilize all public and private institutions to action in order to alter the situation which makes Greece very high ranking in fatalities due to road accidents, resulting in the deaths of mostly young people”.
The resources of the Institute which are used to finance the actions of the information-intervention-training are coming from:
- Members of the Institute Their contribution finance most of our actions - Volunteers who give their free time. (Volunteers network counts 1.400 citizens in 240 Municipalities that is a great contribution with high values and mood for social offer, that encourage and support us to our difficult effort.)
- Friends and Associates
who through subscription or donations contributes further the support of our actions
Dear Friends and Associates,
Now you can help too, in our effort to save lives, and support actions for the improvement of the level of Road Safety by offering your contribution to the bank account of the Institute – Road Safety Institute R.S.I.:
- Emporiki Bank
Account Number: 85161105
ΙΒΑΝ: GR 840120 0020 0000 00085161105 BIC: EMPOGRAA Tel:
- National Bank of Greece
Account Number: 671/470500-99
IBAN: GR29 0110 6710 0000 6714 7050 099 BIC: ETHNGRAA
In order to give you the relevant deposit certificate for the Tax Authorities, please register your name at the time of deposit. You could also send us a Fax or an e-mail with your name.
This year…
We would like to thank for their contribution:
Mrs Maro Christodoulaki, mother of Manolis, and his friends, who deposited in the account of the Institute the amount of 1250€ in the loving memory of Manolis. Manolis who was a topographer engineer, lost his life in a car accident on August 2008.
The Insurance Organization AIG Greece that offered an amount of money to the Institute that replaced the Christmas cards to their members.
The company Sineteristiki Asfalistiki that offered a symbolic amount for the purposes of the Institute, replacing the Christmas Cards.
The advertisement company Ashley & Holmes that designed for free, our Christmas card which was based on a picture of the painter Valerios.
The ICON-NET took for free the production-print of the Christmas Card.
We would like to thank the friends and supporters and we would like to ensure them that every contribution to the Institute constitutes a life work, a really important matter for our country and supports the effort for the briefing for the prevention of road accidents.