"Panos Mylonas" scholarship 2008 was awarded to Michael Farmakopoulos, student of the Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics Department of the University of Patras.

Michael Farmakopoulos was born on the 15th of May 1985 in Athens. He has been graduated from the United High School of Kastritsi in Patras in the year 2003, with degree “Very Well” 17,7/20. In October of the same year, he was inscribed in the department of Mechanical and Aeronautics Engineers of Polytechnic School of University of Patras. The subject of his diplomatic work was “Planning of Differential of Cars and Control in Bending at AGMA”. This work was completed under the supervision of Professor Chris Papadopoulos.
Michael Farmakopoulos, received scholarship at the 1st year of his study, from the Institution of Government Scholarships [IKY]. Moreover, he was awarded with the scholarship and reward for the 4th year of study, as he was the first student of his department, from the Institution of Road Safety “Panos Mylonas”, from MAZDA-ELMA AEBEA and from the University of Patras (17/4/2008). |
Furthermore, as a student of high School, he received honorary discriminations from the Hellenic Mathematic Society for the academic years 2001-2002 (level “Thalis”) and 2002-2003 (level “Thalis”). In March 2003, he received honorary discriminations from the Union of Associations of Parents and guardians of Municipality at the region of Rion - Patras, for the manufacture of moved vehicle, which was manufactured with the help of his brothers, Athanasios and George Farmakopoulos.
At the same time with his study, he worked in the Municipal Enterprise of Water supply and Sewerage of Municipality of Rion in terms of his practical exercise.
Finally, at the duration of his study, he acquired diploma of foreign languages in English (Level B2 Certificate in English ESOL University of Cambridge, 2004), and Government Degree of English knowledge (Level B2) as well. He also acquired with the degree of knowledge of handling of computers E.C.D.L. in year 2005. |

"Panos Mylonas" scholarship 2007 was awarded to Theofanis Stergiopoulos, a student of the Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics Department, University of Patras. |
Theofanis Stergiopoulos was born in Athens in 28 December 1983. He was admitted in Varvakio Pilot High School from which he graduated in the year 2001 with a grade “very good” 17,4/20. On October of the same year, he was inscribed as the 54th student in the Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics Department of the Polytechnic School of the University of Patras. Having followed the Applied Mechanics sector, he graduated on October 2006 with a grade “Excellent” 8,53/10.
Theofanis Stergiopoulos, during his studies at the aforementioned department, received scholarships and awards from the Public Scholarship Foundation for the 2nd, 3rd (only scholarship) and 4th year of his studies. He also received another scholarship for the 4th year of his studies from the Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” having the biggest grade in that academic interval. Theofanis Stergiopoulos, during his studies at the aforementioned department, received scholarships and awards from the Public Scholarship Foundation for the 2nd, 3rd (only scholarship) and 4th year of his studies. He also received another scholarship for the 4th year of his studies from the Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” having the biggest grade in that academic interval.
Parallel to his studies, he worked as practical trainee at the Hellenic Aerospace Industry (H.A.I.) and at the Public Power Corporation (P.P.C.).
Closing, during his studies in High School and in the University, he acquired several diplomas in foreign languages. In English (Michigan Proficiency Certificate) in year 1999, French (Diplôme d’ Études en Langue Française 1er Degré) in year 2000 and German (Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung) in year 2006.
"Panos Mylonas" scholarship 2005 was awarded to Stefanos Belesis, a student of the Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics Department, University of Patras.
Stefanos Belesis was born on the 18th of September 1982 in Athens. He graduated from the 2nd High School of Petroupoli in the year 2000, with degree “Excellent” 18, 4/20. In October of the same year, he was inscribed in the department of Mechanical and Aeronautics Engineers of Polytechnic School of University of Patras.
Having followed the Applied Mechanics sector, he graduated on July 2005 with a grade “Excellent” 8,61/10. In October of the same year he was inscribed in the Postgraduate program of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics Department. He currently prepairs his Ph.D. on Laboratory of Technology and Strength of Material. |
Stefanos Belesis, during his studies at the Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics Department, received scholarships and awards from the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE-TCG) and from The Public Scholarship Foundation for the 4th year of his studies and for having the biggest grade in that academic interval respectively.
He also received another scholarship for the 4th year of his studies from the Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” for having the biggest grade.
Finally, at the duration of his studies, he acquired diplomas of foreign languages in English language (Certificate in Advanced English, University of Cambridge) in 1998 and in German language (Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Goethe Institut), one year earlier. |