8,500 Greek citizens participated in UN’s «MY World» global survey that that RSI | |||||
Athens, November 13th 2015 PRESS RELEASE
8,500 Greek citizens participated in UN’s «MY World» global survey that RSI "Panos Mylonas" coordinated for Greece
“Better transport and roads”, "A good education" and "Better healthcare" are the top priorities of the Greeks voting for the UN My World global survey.
On the occasion of the "World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims" (15/11) and the anniversary of the day that the Road Safety Institute (RSI) "Panos Mylonas" launched in Greece the campaign for “My World - The United Nations Global Survey for a Better World”, announces the results of the research. On the occasion of this anniversary and the announcement of the results of the UN survey in Greece, the president of the Road Safety Institute (RSI) "Panos Mylonas stated: "Today our memory is dedicated to our people we have lost on the roads. We must not forget that each loss has tragic consequences for the family, the society and the development. Especially in our country it is high time that this matter of life and death should be addressed as a priority by the government for the prevention that will save lives. Citizens spoke through the survey but we experience in a daily basis the problem on the roads, our transportation and our lives. Let's do something finally in order not to mourn more citizens on tragic losses on the streets in our country, to stop the carnage on the roads which I fear is confronted with indifference like an inevitable natural phenomenon.... " “My World” is a UN global survey addressing citizens and aimed to link their voices to global leaders during the process of defining the new Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). RSI “Panos Mylonas”, seeking to achieve a better world where the wishes and opinions of citizens are taken into consideration, conducted this survey in Greece and also in countries of foreign partners, motivating citizens, young people, parents and people of all ages to vote for making the world better and send their message to the UN online and also through printed ballots which were distributed during our events and partnerships. For an issue that has already been included in the MDGs it is hoped that in Greece the issue will be also in our national road safety plan and priority. - 8,500 Greek citizens of all age groups participated in the survey, 5,248 (63.1%) male and 2,061 (36.9%) female. - Regarding the age group participation, 16-30 (52.2%) was the dominant, 31-45 (33.8%) following, and 46-60 (11.3%) being the third. -From the 8,500 Greeks surveyed the issue “Better transport and roads” rank at the top of their priorities (4664). The issues of “A good education” (4662) and "Better healthcare" (4354) follow with a small difference in votes. -Furthermore issues such as "Better job opportunities", "Action taken on climate change", "An honest and responsive government" and "protection against crime and violence" are matters that Greeks consider as important for improving their quality of life. Considering the result that highlighted “Better transport and roads” as a wish and priority for Greek citizens we hope that Road Safety will be included in the agenda of Greek politicians and the Government will receive this strong message for helping to reduce serious and fatal injuries. With respect to the memory of those lost on the roads and for the protection of life RSI brought into publicity the survey results urging the government to take action in order not to mourn more victims on the roads. | |||||
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