Since August 2010, RSI "Panos Mylonas" is implementing a comprehensive program for Road Safety and Traffic Education, called “AVENUE (Actions for Vulnerable, Elderly, Novice drivers and road Users in Europe) for Traffic Safety”. Conceived and designed by RSI ‘Panos Mylonas’ with the support of 9 European organizations, the program was inspired by the idea of the Reference Centers for Road Safety (K.A.O.A - NESTs) which aim to reduce traffic accidents through a mix of theoretical and experiential training sessions, awareness-raising and campaigns as well as information-sharing and interaction with the public.
Through their interaction with NESTs, road users are allowed to experience road safety and can be gradually influenced to adopt essential road safety behaviors. The AVENUE program was elected 1st by the Special Evaluations Committee of the EU General Directions Office for Transportation. Since, it has been adopted by the EU and promoted as a good practice throughout Europe.
Through their interaction with NESTs, road users are allowed to experience road safety and can be gradually influenced to adopt essential road safety behaviors. The AVENUE program was elected 1st by the Special Evaluations Committee of the EU General Directions Office for Transportation. Since, it has been adopted by the EU and promoted as a good practice throughout Europe.

Road Safety National Center (National NEST), Cultural Centre “Hellenic World”
So far in Greece, RSI "Panos Mylonas" has created 3 such educational centers (NESTs): The Road Safety National Centre based in Athens and hosted until recently by the Cultural Centre "Hellenic Cosmos" is aiming at promoting actions across the country and creating routes for training on road safety. The Local Centre hosted inside the Museum of Science and the University of Technology in Patras is serving the needs of citizens and institutions in the surrounding areas. Last but not least, the Mobile road safety Unit, which travels across the country, is covering needs in areas where experiential information using simulators and specialized personnel is difficult.

Mobile Road Safety Unit - Local Road Safety Centre, University of Patras
All NESTs, being at the center of interaction with Road Safety, implement the best selected practices and innovative approaches applied worldwide. All citizens can be informed on Road Safety prevention, the rules they must never break and try out our high-technology simulators, which make training more direct and effective.
The Centers use a set of best selected practices used in many European countries along with innovative programs developed by the Institute. Experiential training using advanced simulators and customized training programs are used for different age groups, workers at risk, delinquent youth, with active audience participation. Dozens of actions on road safety throughout Greece derive from Road safety Centers, with the participation and support of approximately 150 institutions nationwide.

- In Traffic with SafetyProgram Application: Kindergarten and primary school.
Program Objective: The traffic education of students through interactive experiential learning techniques.
Program Duration: 45 minutes
Number of Students: Up to 25 students per teaching hour
(Daily minimum participation of 15 students).
Trainer may accomplish a maximum of 4 training hours per day.
The program is approved by the of Ministry of Education and the Institute for Educational Policy (I.E.P.)
☑ Guide for parents of elementary students
☑ Tutorial for primary school teachers
☑ Become a Knight of road safety (Traffic Education with Knight Eugene e-book)
PHOTOS - Become a Knight of Road SafetyProgram Application: Kindergarten.Experiential Training may be done with the parents’ participation.Program Objective: The traffic education of students through the game. Students and parents take part in pleasant educational activities for proper traffic behavior.Program Duration: 60 minutesStudents: 25 students per hour(Daily minimum participation of 15 students).Trainer may accomplish a maximum of 4 educational activities per day.
The program is approved by the Ministry of Education and the Institute for Educational Policy (I.E.P.)
Become a Knight of Road Safety
(Traffic Education with Knight Eugene e-book)
Press "start" and enjoy the e-book with Knight EugenePHOTOS - Cycling safelyProgram Application: For D, E, F elementary studentsProgram Objective: Theoretical and practical education of students on the safe use of bicycles.Program Duration: 1 teaching hour (theoretical training) and 1 teaching hour (practical training).Students: 25 students per teaching hour(Daily minimum participation of 15 students).
The programm is approved by the Ministry of Education and the Institute for Educational Policy (I.E.P.)PHOTOS - Do it rightProgram Application: For secondary and high school students.Program Objective: The traffic education of students. It includes speech and presentation about road safety, electronic questionnaire for the assessment of students on traffic issues and road : Educational questionnaireProgram Duration : 45-75 minutes.Number of Students : Up to 100 students (daily minimum participation of 30 students).
(*) Is under the approval of Ministry of Education and the Institute for Educational Policy (I.E.P.)PHOTOS - Mobile Road Safety Unit (Mobile NEST)Program Application: For high school students (with height above 140 cm).Program Objective: The experiential training of future young drivers through the use of simulators and appropriate equipment.Program Duration: 5 hours of theoretical and practical training.Number of Students: Up to 100 students (daily minimum participation of 30 students).
Each student will have the opportunity to experience the risk of driving under the influence of alcohol and the importance of the safety belt during rollover (simulator roll) and crashing (crash simulator) as well as many different driving simulation conditions with the help of special simulators (distraction, impact weight during collision, etc.).PHOTOS - Educational program “ERMIS”Program Application: For juvenile road traffic offenders who have been referred for training at the Institute by court decision requiring attending the program as a correctional measure.Program Objective: Young people participating in the program are given the opportunity to follow the recommendations of the Institute partners with respect to road safety, safe travel and delinquency, and also acquire experiential impact simulation experience and rollover using special technological equipment provided by the Institute.
Program Duration: 6 hours.Number of Participants: Up to 50 people (minimum daily participation of 15 people).The daylong program "Ermis" is implemented in cooperation with the Juvenile Courts and Probation Services (Y.E.A.)PHOTOS - AVENUE for Traffic SafetyΕφαρμογή προγράμματος : For business staffProgram Objective: The program aims to reduce accidents through theoretical and experiential education, awareness-raising and information. The training is carried out by experienced trainers of the Institute and consists of the following sections:Theoretical section of the Principles of Road Safety using audiovisual media.Experiential education with the use of RSI simulators of RSITo implement this program, RSI has used advanced equipment (unique in Greece) selected amongst the best practices, enabling its users to safely experience the risks and discomfort caused by road accidents, assess the risks, discuss and reflect on different issues concerning safety during circling. That way, the experiential part of the program “supplements” theory and prepares participants for the practical driving.The equipment includes:
- Driving simulator with 40 different programs
- Rollover simulator
- Crash simulator
- Reflective measuring device and calculating stopping distance
- "Balance" speed weight correlation
- "Glasses" drunken simulation
- Distraction activity
Program Duration: 4 hours of theoretical and practical trainingNumber of Participants: groups of 25 peoplePHOTOS - e-learningProgram Application: Distance learning platform for volunteers, friends of the Institute and anyone interested.
Program Objective: The e-learning RSI platform is a complete Course Management System, designed with the intention to support volunteering issues, road safety and the Institute's activities.Program Duration : Every available course consists of 3 sections: theoretical material, testing knowledge, evaluation of the course.
Number of participants : No limitation
Registration Form
The department of educational programs of RSI will contact you as soon as possible.