Festive Nationwide Awareness Campaign for Road Safety by the Hellenic Road Safety Institute (RSI)
Festive Nationwide Awareness Campaign for Road Safety by the Hellenic Road Safety Institute (RSI)
With the aim of preventing and reducing road traffic crashes, which are currently on rise, and given the increased travels during the festive season, the Road Safety Institute (R.S.I ) "Panos Mylonas" is undertaking a series of initiatives to raise public awareness about Road Safety.
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Best wishes from RSI
Best wishes from RSI
The President, the Board of Directοrs and all the people of Road Safety Institute (RSI) “Panos Mylonas” wish you and your loved ones Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! and Always...Stay Safe on the Road!
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Intervention for the enhancement of Road Safety on Athinas Street by the Road Safety Institute (RSI) Panos Mylonas
Intervention for the enhancement of Road Safety on Athinas Street by the Road Safety Institute (RSI) Panos Mylonas
The Road Safety Institute (RSI) "Panos Mylonas" with the support of the Safer Roads Foundation (SRF) and in collaboration with the Municipality of Athens, implemented interventions at existing crossings along Athinas Street from its junction with Ermou Street in Monastiraki to Omonoia.
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«A Global Approach to Road Safety - Women in Tolling Webinar»
«A Global Approach to Road Safety - Women in Tolling Webinar»
The President of RSI “Panos Mylonas”, Ms Vassiliki Danelli-Mylonas, was challenged to be part of the webinar, among other important women of the industry, and present the Institute’s initiatives focusing on RSI’s educational programs.
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RSI's President was interviewed by IBTTA
RSI's President was interviewed by IBTTA
The International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) kicks off Tolling Industry’s First Global Road Safety Week June 24 – 28.
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SAFE FUTURE train-the-trainers meeting in Spain
SAFE FUTURE train-the-trainers meeting in Spain
The three-day Train-the- trainers meeting, in the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme SAFE FUTURE, was successfully completed in the city of Saragossa.
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Pit Stop for Road Safety by RSI “Panos Mylonas” and Olympia Odos
Pit Stop for Road Safety by RSI “Panos Mylonas” and Olympia Odos
Road Safety Institute (RSI) "Panos Mylonas", in cooperation with Olympia Odos S.A. (Athens, Korinthos, Patra, Pyrgos motorway), held, for 4th year in a row, the driver information action "Pit Stop for Road Safety", on Friday 14/6 at the Motorists Service Station (MSS) of Megara.
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FIA Conference 2024
 FIA Conference 2024
Road Safety Institute (RSI) "Panos Mylonas" participated in the prestigious Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Conference 2024 held from June 10 to 13, commemorating the 120th anniversary of the FIA. The event attracted over 500 participants, including delegates from clubs, federations, and associations from 147 countries. The Organization of the event was undertaken by ASN NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF UZBEKISTAN (NAFKU) with active support from the Gov.uz (Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan), the Ministry of Sports, the Olympic Committee, the 7SABER Uzbekistan sportswear store, and the Samarkand Region Hokimiyat.
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12th Regional Growth Conference
12th Regional Growth Conference
RSI "Panos Mylonas" participated in the 12th Regional Growth Conference entitled "Integrating Sustainability & Innovation" that takes place on May 30th – June 1st, 2024 at the Conference Centre of the University of Patras, in Patras, Greece.
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2nd CIVINET Forum
2nd CIVINET Forum
RSI "Panos Mylonas" was represented by its President, Vassiliki Danelli-Mylonas, at the 2nd CIVINET Forum, organized by the CIVINET Greece-Cyprus group and held at Technopolis City Of Athens (28-30 May).
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3rd Concrete - Civil Engineering Construction Seminar
 3rd Concrete - Civil Engineering Construction Seminar
RSI "Panos Mylonas" participated on Wednesday, May 22th, in the 3rd Concrete - Civil Engineering Construction Seminar organized by the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of West Attica.
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RSI "Panos Mylonas" celebrates Europe Day 2024
Road Safety Institute (RSI) Panos Mylonas participated in the celebration of Europe Day2024, which also coincides with the anniversary of the Institute's establishment and its 19 years of action
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56th CIECA Congress in Dubai
56th CIECA Congress in Dubai
During the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) 56th CIECA Congress in Dubai, the President of RSI "Panos Mylonas", Ms Vassiliki Danelli-Mylonas, presented the Institute's initiatives on Traffic Safety and Mobility Education to an esteemed audience at the Dubai World Trade Centre.
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RSI "Panos Mylonas" hosted the first SAFE FUTURE train-the-trainers meeting
The first SAFE FUTURE train-the-trainers meeting was successfully completed on April 25.
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RSI "Panos Mylonas" received training at Enpc-Ediser and exchanged good practices
Valuable experiences, good practice exchange, knowledge and technical expertise, as well as strengthening collaboration, were some of the benefits gained by members of RSI "Panos Mylonas" during their trip to Montpellier, within the Erasmus+ programme.
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Main Offices
2 Nemeseos str , 112 53 Athens, Tel.: +30.210-86.20.150, FAX: +30.210-86.20.007, e-mail:info@ioas.gr

Information Centre on Road Safety
5 Pesmazoglou & Stadiou, Stoa tou Vivliou, 105 64 Athens, Tel.: +30.210-32.11.051

Western Greece Office
Management and Operation Center of the Rion-Antirion Bridge, 30020 Antirion

National Road Safety Centre (Coming Soon)
Mesogeion Av. 156, 155 10 Cholargos
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