Easter 2006 Period
-Publication of Road Safety Guide sponsored by INFOTE, with the collaboration of INFOTE and the members and volunteers and supporters of R.S.I. Institute. Distribution of 400.000 copies of Road Safety Guide by INFOTE along with Greek Yellow Pages distribution (O χρυσός- οδηγός) at the toll gates of Elefsina, Afidnes, Malgara and Patra and the ports of Piraeus and Rafina. (Good Tuesday, Good Wednesday)
-Road Safety radio campaign (production-broadcast of radio message, interviews, etc.) under the auspices of Ministry of Transport and Communications. Tv reportages for the Road Safety and the Road Safety Guide publication on news bulletins and other news programmes.
-Press conference for the television and daily and periodical press (Good Tuesday, April 18th 2008, on Ministry of Transport and Communications Amphitheatre).
-Participation in events taking place at 114 Combat Wing (Tanagra), Hellenic Air Force General Hospital, TITAN, Road Traffic Police, Center for Renewable Energy Forces, E.S.H.E.A. (Union of Athens daily newspapers Editors), P.O.E.P.TY.M., COSMOTE, PLAISIO COMPUTERS, municipalities across Greece, etc.
-Production of radio message commercial, (collaboration-production for free from Ashley & Holmes and Le SPOT) approved by Greek National Council for Radio and Television (E.S.R.) (Decision by E.S.R. 75th – 17.04.06. The message refers to the prevention and reduction of traffic accidents during Easter period. Second approval decision by E.S.R (113th–24.5.2006) refers to the enhancement of Greek tourist services in sight of the summer tourist period (2.6-15.6.2006 & 7.7-27.8.2006) Recent approval of free radio broadcasting of the commercial across Greece, between 28.12.06 and 28.02.2007 (E.S.R. 320th Desicion -28.12.2006). |