
The institute in collaboration with “ATTIKO METRO SA”, for the 4thconsecutive year, informs the public/passengers of the metro through the campaign posters, which concern social messages for Road Safety and the prevention, giving emphasis to the main causes of road accidents. The posters are displayed in showcases in all metro stations. Furthermore, the television social messages are projected on the screens of the metro at the platforms, sensitized through that way the passenger for the issue of the prevention of road accidents.

Another Night Without Accidents was organized by the Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” in Chalkida, in three major Night Clubs of the Glyfa area. Volunteers of the RSI having the help of the Scouts of Greece and volunteers of the Greek Red Cross realized the action in the nightclubs GAZ, MIST AND LOCA informing the young people for the alcohol and its consequences in driving and performing a “friendly” alcohol test to the “Designated Driver” at their way out. The participants that did not consume alcohol got a gift from the Institute while those who did not keep their promise got advice for safe driving and a card with the telephones of the taxis in the area (the 24th of July 2010, Chalkida).


On Tuesday the 30thof March 2010, the introduction of the awareness campaign for Road Safety took place developed by the Representation of the European Commission in Greece and the Road Safety Institute (R.S.I.) “Panos Mylonas”. During the press conference, the radio and television advertisements which will be broadcast by the Greek media were presented. They carry a social message with regard to responsible driving and the main causes of accidents.  The presentation of this initiative, with a central goal to sensitize the public with regard to responsible driving and to inform about the main causes of accidents, was made by Mr Ierotheos Papadopoulos, Representative of European Committee in Greece and Mrs VassilikiDanelli-Mylona, Chairman of the Board of the Road Safety “Panos Mylonas”.

 Mr Nikos Sifounakis, Vice Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, Mr Grigorios Tasoulas, Secretary-General of Public Order attended the event and spoke on issues of road safety. (Offices of Representation of European Commission, Athens, 30 March 2010).

Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” in collaboration with the Greek Police, offered for the third year in a row the “Best Traffic Policeman of the year” award, and presented the results of its actions for alcohol and driving “European Night without Traffic Incidents”. The award event was held on the 4th of February 2010 at the Ministry of Transport, Networks and Infrastructure auditorium.

Police Sergeant Mr. Vasileios Souliotis from the police department of Agrinio and Sergeant Mr. Konstantinos Papadopoulos from the police department of Amaliada were awarded as the best traffic policemen of the year for 2009.
The awarded received honorary plaques and their respective departments received latest technology radar devices, a symbolic offer of Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” continuing its initiatives for the prevention of road incidents, a serious burden for Greece.
The President of the Institute, Mrs. V. Danelli-Mylona also presented the results of the Institute’s “Drink Driving” action. Mrs. Katerina Theodoseli, a teacher from the Primary Education of the town of Serres, and Sergeant Mr. Vasilis Samaras from the Serres Police Department, were also awarded with special awards for their contribution for the “European Night without Traffic Incidents 2009”. In support of the fight against “Drink Driving”, Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” offered to the Police Departments of Serres and Thessaloniki (2nd Division) two alcohol measurement devices. Finally, the Institute offered to the Police Department of Agia Paraskevi a Mobile Speed Safety System (MSSS) backing the reduction of road accidents, on a district that last year 58 people lost their lives in road accidents.
The event was honored by the presence of the Minister of Transport, Networks and Infrastructure, Mr. Dimitris Reppas, the vice minister Mr. Nikos Sifounakis, the vice minister of Citizen Protection Mr. Spyros Vougias, the Chief of Greek Police Mr. Eleftherios Oikonomou, the General Secretary of the Mnistry of Transport, Network and Infrastructure, Mr. Socratis Katsikas, the General Secretary of Public Policy Mr. Grigoris Tasoulas, the representative of the European Committee Mr. Carlos Martin, the representative of the Mayor of Athens and president of ORODA Mrs. Vasia Triphili, congressmen and other organizations and authorities representatives.
Besides the Chief of Greek Police, present were also: the Chef of Staff Headquarters General Mr. Nikolaos Papayiannopoulos, the Majors Headquarters Mr. George Galiatsatos and Mr.George Mpalagkas, the Director of Traffic Headquarters Mr. Andreas Kordolaimis, the Traffic Director of Attiki Brigadier Mr. Scarlatos Dimitrios, the directors of the departments of traffic of Attiki and of the police departments of the awarded officers.

Following the invitation by the Sector of Volunteering, Solidarity and Youth of PASOK on the occasion of the International Day for People with Disabilities on 3 December, the Road Safety Institute "Panos Mylonas" supported the activities through lectures in Xanthi and Kastoria. The aim of the event was to raise awareness for people with disabilities giving emphasis on prevention as the majority of disabilities are not due to genetic diseases, but they are acquired and mainly result from traffic crashes. A brochure has been created and distributed on this occasion entitled "I circulate with education, learning to live" (Xanthi, December 12th 2009, Kastoria December 16th, 2009).


R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” ( organised the event “Night Without Accidents” a for second consecutive year in Chalkida and for the first time at the island of Aegina. The institute was invited by the Municipal police of Chalkida and Evia’s vice-prefect; as well as, Aegina’s Youth Council. The event took place on the night of Saturday 4th July 2009 and it was very successful with many young people participating. Its goal was to inform them that driving and alcohol don’t mix up. Staging areas were; Three of the biggest night clubs of Chalkida (GAZ, MIST, LOCA) in cooperation with our institute, Chalkida’s Municipal Police, Evias Prefecture and Mazda car dealership – Vathis Ltd and two night clubs at Aegina (Ellinikon Seaside, Remvi) in cooperation with Aegina’s Youth Council and Aegina’s Police Department.

35 Volunteers were present at the 5 night clubs contributing in advising young people not to drink if they themselves were the “designated driver". More than 600 young people (536 in Chalkida and 75 in Aegina) that had drove to the clubs decided not to drink alcohol and agreed to wear the relevant rubber band on their arms when entering the club and as such “commit” in not consuming alcohol and also conducting a “friendly” alcohol test on their way out (Chalkida – Aegina 4th July 2009).

Following the success of the event “Road Traffic Behaviour” at the Syntagma square Metro Station, for informing and raising awareness of young people on matters of Road Safety, Culture and Arts, R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” and “Panos4Life”, “visited” the Cycladic Islands of Paros, Syros, Sifnos and Milos with the same exhibit. The event took place with the cooperation of local societies and organisations, namely: The Photography Society of Syros, the University of the Aegean, the cultural society “Archilohos” of Paros, the Cultural Society of Sifnos, the Educational and Social Club of Milos. It was also supported by the Ministry of Mercantile Marine, The Aegean and Island Policy.


The exhibit included:

  • Works of art and posters from the students of the Athens School of Fine Arts.
  • Photographs
  • Relevant video (“Sociolodromologia”) created specifically for this event with particular subject the traffic culture of three large cities (Athens, Brussels, Stockholm) of Europe, along with a relevant musical theme.

(Syros – Paros – Sifnos – Milos, 3-18 July 2009)

R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” along with “Panos4Life” organised a 2-day event aiming to inform and raise awareness of young people in Road Safety, Culture and Arts. Main focus of the event was “Road Traffic Behaviour” and it was supported by the respective Hellenic Ministries of Culture, Transportation & Communication, the Municipality of Athens, OPAP (Hellenic Betting Agency), European Profiles and ATTIKO METRO S.A.. During the 2-day event the following where conducted / presented:

  • Works of art and posters from the students of the Athens School of Fine Arts, which were based on the event theme.
  • Photographs of journalists from relevant press publications and some civilian ones.
  • Relevant video (“Sociolodromologia”) created specifically for this event with particular subject the traffic culture of three large cities (Athens, Brussels, Stockholm) of Europe, along with a relevant musical theme (Heart-Room, “Stamata”).
  • Actions and Applications for Road Safety.
  • Award Ceremony for the best works of art from the Athens School of Fine Arts.
  • Presentation of the Road Behaviour training program from special R.S.I. teachers and supporters (participation of children from NGO “Xamogelo tou Paidiou” and other visitors).
  • Concert with music bands Quilombo and D.F. performing live.

(Athens, METRO Multi-use Area, Syntagma Square, 17-18 June 2009)

After the proposal of GEFYRA S.A. and the approval by all the persons and institutions involved, the 22nd of March was fixed as the Regional Day of Road Safety in Western Greece, aiming at the expression of the vigilance by all the persons involved in the big question of road safety.

In these borders, there has been a meeting at the Bridge Rio – Antirrio of representatives of the Parliament, the Region of Western Greece, the Academic Community, prefectoral and local government, Technical Chamber of Greece, The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers and Police Officers undertaking the willing obligation for constant synergy and on the other side the responsibility of assessment one year after, the same day, to the same point.

Mrs Isabelle Kardacz, Head of the corresponding unit of European Commission and decisive ally to this common effort, arrived for the event for the Regional Day of Road Safety and committed herself to work a lot with her team in Brussels, for the improvement of road safety in our country, but also in order to check out how much the European directives are observed as for the authorisation of licenses for Greek drivers, the quality of their education, the technical control of vehicles and the regularity of controls and enforcements.

The European Committee was represented (except Mrs Kardacz) by Mr I. Papadopoulos  - Director of Delegation of E.U. in Greece, the Parliament by the Deputies Natassa Ragiou and Kostas Spiliopoylos, the University of Patras by the President Mr S.Koubia, the General Secretary of Region Mr P. Spiridon by Mr D. Panagiotopoylo, the Prefecture of Etoloakarnania by Vice-Prefect Mr D. Kaponi, the Municipality of Patras by the Vice-Mayor Mr N. Tzanako, the Municipality of  Agrinio by the Vice-Mayor Mr P. Tsoukalo, the Technical Chamber of Greece by Mr P. Bagiota, the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers by Mrs A. Gogola,the Road Traffic Police by the governor of Road Traffic Police of Patras Mr N. Ioannidis and the Vice-governor of Department of Naypactos Mr G. Anastasopoulos. The Vice-Mayor and Chairman of Department of Development of Naypactos Mr N. Koubios that did not achieve to attend the event sent the message that the Municipality can dispose immediately the Park of Traffic Education of the city. On behalf of GEFYRA OPERATION S.A. assisted also Mr N. Douros, Assistant General Director and Mr. Kosionis, Head of Operation.

Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” presented the new initiative “Roads for Future… Alliance for safety and civilization on the road” on 20th of March 2009, in Athens. To this creation of this common institution, all the companies such as ATTIKI ODOS S.A., GEFYRA S.A., COSMOTE, DIAGEO Hellas and GENESIS Pharma, linking their voice and their forces with public and private institutions for a better, more responsible and safer future on the roads of Greece. The alliance is supported by the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) and the European Committee and takes place under the aegis of Ministry of Transport s and Communications, MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS, Health Ministry and Municipality of Athens.
Supporters and messengers of Alliance for Safety and Civilized Behaviour in the street are also the modern highways, AEGEAN MOTORWAY S.A., MOREAS S.A. and OLYMPIA ODOS S.A.
The varieties of Alliance’s action are: Children and Road Safety (ATTIKI ODOS), Don’t Drink and Drive (DIAGEO), Mobile and Road Safety (COSMOTE), Wellness and Safe Driving (GENESIS Pharma) and Eco-Driving (GEFYRA S.A.).

In collaboration with the Ministry of Defence and the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas”, issued a Road Safety Guide for the country’s Armed Forces. The President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Papoulias also supported this initiative. The guide is divided into 3 parts: a) Army & Road Safety, b) Car and Road Safety, c) Motorbikes and Road Safety. The goal of this publication initiated by RSI “Panos Mylonas” is to motivate and inform young people during their military service aiming to reduce road traffic accidents in our country.

Responding to the invitation from the Kontia’s association of the island of Limnos, the Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” visited on the 25th and 26th of February 2009 this border region with a view to inform the young people regarding the prevention and reduction of car accidents. Thus Mr. Iaveris gave a speech to parents and students of Myrina’s high school and lyceum, Mrs Maria Lagonica presented the Institute’s Traffic Education Program playing with the students of Kouteli’s and Kontia’s municipal schools and Mr. Nikos Charalampoopoulos presented the actions of the Institute by developing a dialogue with the students and professors of Livadichori’s high school for the causes of car accidents which involve very young people.



The reason for this initiative was the big number of teenagers who unfairly lose their lives driving on the streets of the island. The institute, responding to the demands of habitants and educational institutions, undertook to develop more actions to Limnos sending informational material and including the island into the future educational campaigns of sensitization regarding the road safety. 



The scholarship which, for the 4th consecutive year, is awarded after the decision of the Senate of Patras University in memory of Panos Mylonas, took place at the Conference Hall of the University on January 14, 2009. It has been granted to the best student of the 4th year of the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineers Mr. Konstantinos Anyfantis. The scholarship was granted by the RSI and its Member MAZDA-ELMA AEBEA. The Rector of the University of Patras Mr. Stavros Koubias, the Vice Rector Mr. Vassilios Anastasopoulos, the President and the Professors (Mr V.Kostopoulos and Mr G. Chryssolouris) of the Department have stressed the character and the scientific potentials of Panos Mylonas who died in a traffic accident on March 22, 2004 at the National Road Korinthos-Patras. The Vice Mayor Mr Nikos Tzanakos, the Commander of the Traffic Police of Patras Mr Nikos Ioannidis, the police officer Mr Spyros Niaros and representative of the local authorities were present at the event. The first presentation of the new initiative of RSI for the formation of the National Alliance for the Safety and the Civilization on the Roads has been welcome with great interest. This Alliance aims to the common action of State Authorities, private companies and citizens for the promotion of the road safety and the civilized behavior on the Greek roads. The presentation of the European Program ShLOW – show me how slow by a representative of the European Transportation Safety Council (ETSC) took place during the event.



Implementing their pledges on the issue of responsible drinking and driving, R.S.I. and Diageo created on April 2007 a different campaign that attracts the interest of people by linking Formula 1 drivers with the adaptation of safe transport solutions after alcohol consumption.

Mika Hakkinen, former F1 World Champion and Johnnie Walker’s World Ambassador of Responsible Drinking, participates in this campaign and sends the message “Be the company’s driver. Don’t drink before drive”.

The program through its many actions (participation in exhibition, online competition, press conference of Mika Hakkinen, message on 12th Economist Round Table, promoting action in Attiki Region, participation in Athens Tuning Show, incrustation of buses, etc.) urge citizens to give their own point of view using the message “Don’t Drink and Drive”. The aim of the program is the adaptation of responsible behavior from the Greek drivers.

For more information click on  

“Panos Mylonas” R.S.I. awarded Athens mayor Mr. Nikitas Kaklamanis at the Athens Town Hall on July 8th 2008. Municipality of Athens had responded positively to the proposals of Institute’s Local Volunteer Network, by restoring the 74% of the 72 dangerous points which had been indicated by citizens through the “Pin Project” Program. These points had previously been verified by members of Volunteers Network.

“Panos Mylonas” R.S.I. created the online campaign “Become a volunteer” for the promotion and strengthening of its Volunteers Network. The campaign’s multi-dimensional banners can be seen on many famous websites, such as those of Naftemboriki, Pathfinder, Sport FM, Euro2day, 4Troxoi, AutoBild, TopGear,, etc. The online campaign is taking place parallel to the Institute’s Road Safety main campaign that includes messages for the prevention of traffic accidents –using of seat belt, speeding, alcool and driving and protection of children in car. (June 2008)

“Panos Mylonas” R.S.I. after an initiative taken by Air Forces General Staff and the Directorate of Flight and Ground Safety Department organized the conference “Actions-Perspectives & Road Safety Basic Principles” at the Hellenic Air Force Academy premises. Hellenic Air Force Academy officers and more than 400 students attended the event. President of R.S.I. Ms. V.Danelli-Mylona, speaker of the conference, was awarded for her activities and contribution to the prevention of traffic accidents. Mr. A. Kokkas, R.S.I. member and editor of Auto Motor Sport magazine was also among the lecturers.

“Panos Mylonas” R.S.I. and LeasePlan, an international organization of vehicle leasing and fleet management solutions, created the informative letterpress “Basic Principles of Road Safety”, targeting on public information and awareness on road safety issues.

Panos Mylonas” R.S.I. and GEFYRA SA carried out an awareness campaign entitled “Leave to Come Back” during the Easter period. A special informational sheet letterpress, which contained a questionnaire, was distributed in the drivers passing through the Rio-Antirio Bridge. The questionnaire included questions regarding Road Safety issues, as those for the “Road Network”, the “Human Factor”, and the “Road Traffic Police Control”. Many of the drivers returned the questionnaire filled during their return. The answers are evaluated and its results will be published.

Distribution of Road Safety Guide through the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, aiming at the enrichment of school libraries and following the Ministry’s approval decision. (12.500 copies distributed)

Informational campaign about the prevention and reduction of traffic accidents through radio commercials and television spots, newspaper records, and using of posters which had as main message “Right Choices Are a Matter of Life” and depicted the main causes of traffic accidents. Twenty-five tv stations and seventy radio stations broadcasted the message of the campaign, while posters had been displayed on public transport media, (buses, trolleys, trains) under the auspices of Hellenic Ministry of Transport and Communications. (Decision by National Radio/Television Council 291/16.11.06, November 2007-January 2008).

R.S.I. supported the “Traffic Accident and Social Impacts” conference organized by Kifissia Road Traffic Police on 8 October 2007.

Support of the Festival dedicated to Road Safety and organized by the Association of Cypriot Students of Patra (S.K.S.P.) at Patra, on October 7th 2007.

Distribution of informative leaflets in school libraries (Primary and Secondary Education schools) following the relative decision of Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs.

Awareness campaign for safe driving and alcohol consumption, having as main message  “(before a night out with friends) decide who will be the driver… the designated driver never drinks” The campaign was followed by a relative competition, having as prize a trip to Istanbul Formula 1 Grand Prix (August 24-26 2007). The aim of the campaign was the transmission of the message for road safety to young people through an attractive and effective way and the conduction of a related survey.

R.S.I. supported the proposal-directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Road Infrastructure Safety Management. (Committee for Transport and Tourism), July 2007.

Establishment of annual award for the “best traffic policeman of the country”, for his/her contribution to the prevention and handling of traffic accidents. (In co-operation with Ministry of Public Order and Road Traffic Police Administration for whole Greece).

The first award ceremony took place on April 24th 2007 at Ministry of Transportation and Communications amphitheatre.

Donation of radar speed controllers to Corinthia’s and Achaia’s Motorways Road Traffic Police Departments.

Campaign through television-spots, radio commercials and using of posters about critical issues such as:

-use of seat belts and helmets
-alcohol and driving
-protection of children in car

The campaign started on April 3rd 2007 (after Greek National Council for Radio and Television approval decision).

Speeches at Primary-Schools, High-schools, Lyceums.

Visits on Circulation Educational Parks with second and third class students of Primary-Schools.

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