The R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas”, was invited and participated in the 1st Gatoulis Camp that was organized by the SY.MO.F.E. (Association of Motorcycle, Photography and Exploration) in the campsite of KORELKO in Kalamos of Attica. The visitors was able to participate in a presentation for the basic rules of Road Safety as well as the presentation of the program HEROES (Health and Road Safety: Volunteering Heroes) on the subject alcohol consumption and driving (Kalamos, 14th of May 2011).
The Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” signed the European Road Safety Charter with the commitment to inform and sensitize the citizens on issues of Road Safety. The signing took place on the 3rd of March in the amphitheatre of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks in Athens, Greece. The event was a huge success as it attracted not only a large number but also a variety of organizations that were willing to commit to road safety related actions (Athens, 3rd of March 2011).
The Road Safety Institute (RSI) “Panos Mylonas” participated in the 3rd International Exhibition “Supply
Chain & Logistics 2011” that took place on the 25th to 28thof February 2011, at the Olympic Centre of former Western Airport Athens, with
exhibition kiosk, presenting its actions on the issue of the prevention of
traffic accidents but also the possibilities of collaboration with companies
that are interested for the further briefing and education of their personnel
in the subject of safe driving. From 2007, the exhibition has assembled the
interest of companies that offers products and services in the wider market of
the supply chain, logistics and transports (Elliniko, 25 - 28 February 2011). |
In the framework of the informative lectures on the issues of road safety that were organized by the Faculty of Armed Forces in Trikala for the officers and political personnel, the Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” presented its actions the basic rules of safe driving by distributing informative material. The President of the Institute, Mrs Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona and Mr Roychotas, member of the BoD of the Institute and traffic engineer, gave speeches in the Central Room of the Faculty in Trikala. The events were concluded with the distribution of the printed informative material, titled “Road Safety Guide for Armed Forces” (Trikala, 2nd of December 2010).
The volunteer of the RSI “Panos Mylonas”, Mr Nick Gkikas participated in
the 28th Athens Classical Marathon on Sunday, the 31st of
October, representing the Institute. Mr Gkikas run and finished the classical
track of the Marathon for “Road Safety” in
order to encourage the efforts of the RSI “Panos Mylonas”. The Board of the
Directors of the RSI would like to congratulate and thank Mr Gkikas for his
participation and initiative. (31st of October 2010) |
Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” corresponding to the invitation of the
Parents and Guardians Association of EPAL Koridallou presented at the school
its most important actions and work. The presentationhas been made by the
President of the Institute, Mrs Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona that expressed the
importance of the participation of young people to the battle for the reduction
of traffic accidents. Also, the collaborators of RSI, Mr Roychotas and Mr
Petoymenos, experts on issues of Road Safety, presented to the students the
Basic guidelines of safe driving and behavior on the street. |
 The Road Safety Institute (R.S.I) “Panos Mylonas” took part in the National Scout Jamboree for the celebration of the 100 years of the Scouts of Greece in the region of Kamena Vourla from the 23rd to the 28th of August 2010. 2.500 scouts participated in the Jamboree and their ages ranged from 11 to 15 years old as well as their Chiefs Scouts. The action took place in the Scout Village that included a number of educational activities. The Institute distributed informative material to the young Scouts and the Scout’s Officers for issues of Road Safety and promoted the action Health and Road Safety: Volunteering HEROES for the effect of alcohol in driving. The young Scouts and the Officers showed great interest for the action since more than 2.000 people visited the kiosk of the R.S.I and participated in the action. The President of the Board of the Institute Mrs Danelli-Mylona attended the closing ceremony of the Jamboree and thanked the Chiefs of the Scouts for the great collaboration with the Institute to the celebration of the 100 years of the Scouts of Greece (Kamena Vourla, 23 August 2010).
· The Road Safety Institute RSI “Panos Mylonas” participated to Children’s fiesta that was organized by
the province of Evia
(Euboea), Department of Primary Education
(Sectors of Environmental Education, Health and Cultural issues) in Chalkida
from 8 to June 11th 2010.
In these events various “stations” were created where
primary students participated in road safety educational activities, food
habits, seed planting, recycling, painting and Luna- Park.
RSI presented the program “How I circulate safely” in the domain of
traffic behavior and more than 300 students in the province were educated. In
the same time educational materials and waistcoats were distributed to all
children (Chalkida, Red House, 8 – 11th June 2010). |
  The Road Safety Institute (RSI) “Panos Mylonas” participated in the Feast of Voluntaryism where the movement of Institutions of voluntaryism organised for the 9th continuous year aiming at the information and the promotion of the idea of the voluntaryism. In the Feast, that took place under the Aegis of Municipality of Athens and the support of the Delegation of the European Committee in Greece, 60 Non Speculative Organisations participated with the stands where they were promoting the informative leaflets with the actions of each institution. The Institute distributed printed informative material and promoted the actions “Night without accidents” and HEROES, where the attendance of the volunteers is particularly active. The Feast of Voluntaryism was very successful with a great interest of the visitors about the actions of the organisations and closed with happenings and a concert (Apostolou Pavlou Paveway, Thissio, Athens, 5 June 2010).
 The RSI “Panos Mylonas” in cooperation with the “ Active Citizens Group” of the Prefecture of Fthiotida, organised happenings concerning the Road Safety on 7 May in Sperchiada, Fthiotida. In the line of the campaign, the program “Circulate Safely” took place for the Circulatory Education in the 3 first classes of the Prefecture's Elementary Schools in the installations of the old Sperchiada Gymnasium. After the actions, the pupils painted many posters imaging the Educational Program and visited an exhibition with creations by students of the Maximum Faculty of Fine Arts for the road behavior and the common decency in the road, finishing with actions in the Prefecture's Park of Circulatory Education. Mr Stelios Efstathiadis, member of the Institute and traffic engineer, spoked and presented a video play for the basic points of the road safety in the pupils and the professors of the Secondary Schools as long as leaflets concerning the issues were distributed. The citizens and the local institutions were touched by the warmth of all those events about the road safety (Sperchiada Fthiotida, in the 7th and in the 10th of May 2010).
  The RSI “Panos Mylonas” took part successfully in the exhibition “ Pediadromi” (greek pun meaning the “Course of the Childhood”), which took place from 23 to 25 April 2010 in the Zappeion Exhibition Centre. The exhibition presented the “child” from the infant years till the last teenage years, and its growth concerning the mental, the corporal and the psychic level. It was appealing to parents, pupils and educators, gathering to the same place everyone who interests in and deals with the Education in our country. The Institute undertook the Road Safety domain, presenting the program “Circulate Safely” for children of the Elementary Schools and the HEROES program, for teenagers, parents, and educators. Meanwhile, leaflets about the Road Safety and small gifts were distributed to the children who visited the Institute's stand (Zappeion Exhibition Centre, from 23 to 25 April 2010).
 The RSI “Panos Mylonas” took part in the action “ Cars go green” which took place in the Trade Center “ The Mall Athens” in Maroussi nearby Athens, in order to bring the visitors to the New Era and the Green Perspective of the automotive engineering, to sensitize and to inform them about the modern and the future technologies. To do so, the Institute prosented parts of the Road Educational Program for the children of the Elementary Schools, and the European “HEROES” framework [HEalth and ROad safety: volunteering heroES], containing the growth of common decency standards for the young people from 19 April until 2 May. Additionally, parents and young people 16 to 20 years old, completed printed forms about their road behavior which will be evaluated as statistics for the Institute, as long as leaflets about the issues were distributed (The Mall Athens, 19 April to 2 May 2010).
The Road Safety Institute «Panos Mylonas», following an invitation of the Department of Volunteerism and Solidarity of PASOK, participated in the event for the road safety, at Koropi on March 3rd, with a speech by Mr. Stelios Efstathiadis, transport engineer and member of the R.S.I. Many people, including students, attended the event, during which also spoke Mr. Papakonstantinoy, Commander of the traffic police of Aghia Paraskevi, and Mr. Markouizos.
An open day event “Transportation Education – Road Incidents” took place in the town of Larissa on Tuesday the 23rd February 2010, within the framework of the local Health Education program (1st EPAS). Presentations were given by Larissa Police Commander Mr. Psipsilis Haralambos and Sergeant Mr. Mpalis George, the Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” representative Mr. Papadopoulos Aggelos, the coordinator of the Network of Volunteers of the town of Larissa, and also the journalist Mr. John Diatsidis. Teachers Mr. Mpigos Chris and Mr. Papadopoulos Aggelos are in charge of the program of the 1st EPAS of Larissa.
Mr. A. Rouchotas (member of the Board of Directors) represented the Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” on Monday the 22nd of February, at the event for road safety, held by the Group of Art – Science and Civilization of the Municipality of Keratsini.
 Officers and trainees attended the educational conference held by Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” on road safety at the Artillery School. The President of the Institute reported the current situation regarding road incidents in Europe and Greece, the actions taken by the Institute and the main areas of intervention. The talk was followed by a presentation on safe driving topics by Mr. Aris Kokkas, member of the Road Safety Institute. Army Commander Brigadier Mr. J. Mpasiakoulis congratulated the institute, underlining its initiatives and contribution towards informing young people. A Guide of Road Safety for the Armed Forces was distributed at the camp (Artillery School New Peramos, 19 February 2010).
Responding to the invitation of the Directorate of Flight and Ground Safety of the Hellenic Air Force Academy, the Road Safety Institute "Panos Mylonas" held a lecture on "Actions - Perspectives & Principles of Road Safety" at the facilities of the Air Force Academy on December 21st 2009. The event was attended by officers and students of the TechnicalAviationAcademy and the lecture has been held by the President of RSI "Panos Mylonas" BoD and Mr. Aris Kokkas, Member of RSI (Air Force Academy, December 21st, 2009).
The Road Safety Institute "Panos Mylonas" after the invitation by the Police Department of Corfu, supported the Road Safety Week (11-18/12/2009) and participated in the workshop held in Corfu (CorfuPalace, 18 December 2009). Informative material has been distributed by the Traffic Police and volunteers of RSI, lectures have been held in schools, as well a students’ art exhibition, a presentation of crashed cars and posters with messages on road safety. The event concluded with a workshop attended by representatives of Institutions and Authorities of Corfu and Ionian Islands, who pledged to work together on Road Safety. A synergy has been also announced by the Traffic Police and the Municipal Police for the prevention of road crashes and fatalities, while the Prefect and the Mayor stated that road safety is a priority for the island. The President of RSI pledged that the Institute will support all the efforts, especially concerning the students’ traffic education (Corfu, December 19th 2009).
The Traffic Department of Halkida organised events on road safety in Halkida from 27 October to 1 November. The RSI supported this initiative and the President of the Institute Mrs Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona attended the inauguration of the events held at the City Hall together with Mr. Mpakas, CEO of "Quality & Safety" and member of the Institute providing material and the driving simulator (Halkida, 27 October to 1 November 2009) |
Within the framework of the «Week for Safety on Ground and Flights»,which had been organised by the Air Force for the aim of road safety, the Road Safety Institute "Panos Mylonas" supported the activities through lectures and provisional informative material. The president of the Institute and Mr. Kokkas, the member of the Board of the Institute, presented actions and the basic road safety principles combined with a video, in the Aeronautical Engineering Factory of the Air Force in Eleusina and in the 111 Combat Wing of N. Anchíalos in Volos. The event concluded with distribution of informative material and awards to soldiers - drivers (Air Force Elefsina – 15 October 2009 and 111 Combat Wing, N. Anchíalos Volos - 16 October 2009).
R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” participated at the 2009 Athens MOTORSHOW Auto & Moto Experience LIVE! that took place at the Olympic Fencing Centre where brochures of R.S.I were distributed. The show included presentation of the best car and motorbike models, as well as gadgets and new technologies involving the automobile industry. Also R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” representatives made a presentation regarding Road Safety (Olympic Fencing Centre, Elliniko, 23-27 September 2009). |
R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” supported the exhibition “No More Road Victims”organised by the Patras City Police from the 14th to the 18th of September 2009. Its goal was to inform citizens, in particular students, of the importance of Road Traffic Behaviour and the reduction of road traffic accidents. During this exhibition a 1-day conference took place with main subject “Alcohol & Driving”. R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” participated in this conference with presentations and lectures, as well as distributing relevant printed leaflets. The event was praised by local authorities and parliament officials, while a number of private citizens, members of the armed forces and students participated. The 1-day conference had a notable success and was supplemented by the speeches of: 2nd in command of the Patras City Police Mr. Nikolaos Ioannidis, general secretary of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers Mr. Konstantinos Antoniou. Coordinator of the discussions was the journalist Mr. Panayiotis Theodorakopoulos who dedicated the conference to Panos Mylonas and all the young people that lost their lives in road traffic accidents (INFOCENTER, Patras 14 September 2009).
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) conference took place in Chalkida with subject “Improving Road Safety in South Eastern Europe: Setting Regional and National Road Traffic Casualty Reduction Targets was organized in Halkida” and was harboured by Evia’s Chamber of Commerce and the Hellenic Chambers Transport Association. It was also supported by the Hellenic Ministry of Transport & Communications.
R.S.I. President Mrs Mylona took part with the presentation “Road Safety Actions & Perspectives”. There was also an on-site visit of participating members to the most dangerous traffic spots of Evia’s road network, where a large number of traffic accidents have taken place. (Lucy Hotel, Chalkida, 25-27 June 2009). |
 R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” participated via its representative, Mr. Kokkas, at the traffic safety awareness conference organised by the Lower Grade School Education Board of Serres prefecture. The conference’s main subject was “ Childrens’ Road Safety is our Responsibility”. Mr. Kokkas presented activities and educational material of R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas”, as well as some road safety fundamentals. One of the speakers was Mr. B. Orfanos, race driver and Paris-Dakar rally winner (Serres, 27 May, 2009). |
 R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” supported the event organised by the vice-Mayor’s department of West Thessaloniki Municipality Police. The event took place at the Porto Palace Hotel with the participation of 2.000 children. The students received informational material and 50 prize biking helmets. The institute’s educational program for primary schools of Thessaloniki was also presented. The institute’s President contributed by awarding prizes and gifts to the young school kids (Thessaloniki, 27 May, 2009). |
R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” participated at the Road Safety conference “Implementation of Campaigning Self-Awareness Strategies to Improve Road Safety”. In particular, R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” presented the “Educational and Raising Awareness Actions towards Road Safety” subject. The conference was organised by the University of Thessalia in cooperation with the Technical Chamber of Magnesia (TEE). The conference was part of the European research scheme: Campaigns and Awareness Strategies in Traffic Safety – CAST (TEE Magnesia’s Amphitheatre, Volos, May 22, 2009). |
 A workshop under the title “ Developing new cooperative services of digital communications and electronic governance” was organised by the University Research Institute of Applied Communication and the Communication and Mass-Media Department of the University of Athens. The president of the institute Mrs. Mylona and Mr. Efimeros from MS Free participated with a presentation of “Volunteering and the Internet at the Service of Road Safety – Pin Project”, presenting R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” activities and the nationwide volunteers network (Central Building of the University of Athens, 21 May, 2009). |
The educational institute Ellinogermaniki Agogi organised a special event titled: “Traffic Education Program & Safety: It is a matter of education”. Transportation engineer Mr. Angelos Rouhotas, member of the institute Board of Directors, presented R.S.I.’s “Panos Mylonas” educational program for road safety – already implemented in many public schools around the country. He emphasized that Road Safety is a very important issue that should be taught to everyone starting with children of younger age. This event was also supported by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, journalists and many representatives from the automobile industry (Ellinogermaniki Agogi, 11 May, 2009). |
R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” participated at the 2009 Motorshow that took place at the EXPRO show centre ( ) in Metamorfosi from the 6th to the 10th of May. As members of the “Coalition for Security and Road Safety”, commercial companies DIAGEO, ATTIKI ODOS, GEFYRA S.A. and R.S.I “Panos Mylonas” distributed printed material to inform the visitors of the show in matters of road safety regarding motorbikes. The show had numerous visitors and the efforts of the Coalition were very appealing (EXPRO, Athens 6-10 May 2009). |
Following an invitation from the High School of Filiatra, R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” joined an Environmental Training and Health Education presentation conducted by 15 to 17 year old school children. R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” presented current road safety situation in our country and the institutes actions. A debate with the participation of the young students followed with respect to the driving principles and values dominant on Greek roads. The institute congratulated Professor Mrs Ioanna Lamprinea and her students for their exemplary knowledge and presentation of the Road Safety issues in our country. At the same time, the institute, committed to support them by reproducing their presentation on its website and further contacting young people of the area through R.S.I.’s national actions plans concerning traffic behaviour and alcohol abuse while driving. The students showed great interest for the PIN-Project at which, they can pin-point their areas dangerous road network locations. The school principle Mr Stamatis Giannakopoulos requested the institutes’ assistance in installing a Speed Monitoring Radar at their district (Filiatra, 6 May 2009) |
R.S.I. participation in a Technical Chamber of Greece conference in Evia. Main subject was the “Road Safety at Evia prefecture – Modern Developments – New Road Networks”. R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” representative Mr. Aris Kokkas presented the institute’s activities and the results of surveys regarding citizens’ views concerning the cause of traffic accidents (Chalkida, 22 March, 2009). |
R.S.I. President was among the speakers in conference at Nicosia organized by Cyprus Police in collaboration with Ministry Of Communications and Works and Ministry of Education and Civilization of Cyprus. The conference was sponsored by Hellenic Petroleum of Cyprus (EKO). The conference focused on the issues regarding common action and co-operation on Road Safety issues between Greece and Cyprus. |
RSI has supported the week for the Road Safety that has been organized by the Army Headquarters for the Arm Forces on December 10-14 2008 and it has participated with educational lectures. the awareness team was composed by the President, the members of RSI – transport engineers Mr. A. Rouhotas and St. Efstathiadis, the member of RSI Mr A.Kokkas, journalist of the carpress and the rally driver and volunteer of the Institute Mr. V.Orfanos. The educational lectures took place at the Army Division of War Supplies in Lamia, the Army Air Force at Megara, the Army Air Force at Stefanovikio, the School of Parachutists and Commandos at Aspropyrgos and N.Peramos. and at the 505 Batallion of Marines at Volos.
On October 8, 2008 the 6th meeting of the representatives of the Members of the European Committee (6th eSafety Obeservers European Meeting) took place at Thessaloniki for the promotion of the issues of the eSafety initiative. The President of RSI was invited to participate as a national observer. During the meeting he activities already implemented and the activities that have to be implemented for the obtaining of the aims of this initiative at the participating countries have been presented.

R.S.I. supported/ participated in events over Road Safety by being present and distribution of informative stuff at the following events;
President of R.S.I. Ms. Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona was among the speakers in the event at Phaethon Technological-Classic Car Museum organized by the Second Department of Highway Road Traffic Police and Kifissia Road Traffic Police. (Phaethon Museum Hall, 9-10-2008)
Informative and traffic education programs were presented to students and citizens in conference “Road Safety-Priority in Life” organized by Police of Kilkis Prefecture at Goumenissa. President of R.S.I. participated in the event.
The Road Traffic Police of Katerini town organized event about traffic accidents, as part of its annual report on Road Safety. Representers from all Pieria Prefecture authorities and many students attended the event. Transportation engineer and member of R.S.I. Board of Directors Notis Paraskevopoulos was among the speakers. (Katerini, 6-10-2008)
The Road Traffic Police of Nafpaktos town organized conference on traffic accidents as part of its annual report on Road Safety. Mr. Ioannis Freris, member of R.S.I. Board of Directors, was among the speakers. (Nafpaktos, 6-10-2008)
R.S.I supported a conference at Edessa town, organized by the Local Council Prevention of Criminal Behavior, Edessa Road Traffic Police Department and Municipality Police. Informational and supervisory stuff was distributed (Edessa 15-10-2008).
Moreover, on request by organizers, special stuff was provided to local Road Traffic Police Departments across Greece.
R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” and Auto Triti magazine, published by Motorpress Hellas AE, collaborated to the creation of 6 special road maps-tourist guides of Greece, that were distributed through 6 consecutive issues of Auto Triti magazine. R.S.I. warns through these maps about the very dangerous points of Greek road network, on which the most fatal accidents have occurred. (For the region that every map depicts) [June 2008]. |
Department of Communication, Media and Culture of Panteion University visited western Greece (17-18/5) for a two days’ experiential seminar that among other things discussed the issue of the Corporate Social Responsibility of GEFYRA S.A.
Young scientists and their professors attended the lecture of I.O.A.S. President, who characterized the great dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility as a matter of national issue for Greece. According to I.O.A.S. President there is a clearly and attested by the statistics need of collaboration with entities which act in western Greece, such as GEFYRA S.A, given that western Greece is a crucial traffic crossroad for both Greece and Europe. |
Participation and presentation in the conference “Medicines and Road Safety” at Kos and Kalimnos islands, organized by Rhodes Department of EFTHITA (Hellenic Association for Road Traffic Victim Support) and Dodecanese Pharmaceutical Association and supported by Pan-Hellenic Pharmaceutical Association. Participants, organizers and local authorities discussed over collaboration for the promotion of crucial matters for the whole region. (May 10 & 11 2008). |
R.S.I. President and transport engineer N. Paraskevopoulos participated at the conference “Traffic accidents-Parents and Children” organized by the Directorate of the 1st degree Educational Authority of the city of Serres in collaboration with Serres Prefecture, Serres Municipality and Serres Racing Circuit. The main lecturers were Institute’s President Ms V. Danelli-Mylona and Mr. Tasos Markouizos-Iaveris. The event was an opportunity for discussing and programming a list of actions through a co-operation with local authorities. (Serres May 6th 2008). |
“Panos Mylonas” R.S.I. President Ms V. Danelli-Mylona and I.O.A.S. member Mr. Aris Kokkas were among the main speakers of the public-open 1st Scientific Meeting “Santorini and Health”, organized by Thiraiki Company of Science and Literature (Belloneio Cultural Center, May 2-3 2008). |
R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” supported the conference “Alcohol and Road Safety” held in Arsakeios School of Athens on March 27th 2008. In the conference I.O.A.S. provided information over road safety while the Road Safety Guide was distributed in parents and students that attended the conference. |
Τhe President of the Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona participated in the 2008 Olympic Torch Relay and more specific in the transportation of the Flame through the Rion – Antirion “Harilaos Trikoupis” Bridge on March 24th, after having been proposed by GEFYRA S.A., and approved by the Olympic Committee.
RSI Panos Mylonas President received the Olympic Flame from the veteran German football player Felix Magath on the Bridge under hail and gust winds and passed it on to Yannis Poulkourtzis, a young sailing champion representing the “KYANI KINONIA” (AZURE SOCIETY) platform for the protection of dolphins and the preservation of the Gulfs of Corinth and Patras.
The participation of Mrs Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona in the Olympic Torch Relay, as the president of RSI and the mother of Panos Mylonas killed on the road Korinth to Patras, symbolizes, in the frames of the Olympic Spirit, the necessity for people’s peaceful coexistence on the roads and is a strong message for struggling against the most destructive war and road fatalities. Within the framework of ideals that are common with the ones of the Olympic movement, Road Safety and the protection of the Environment should always constitute high values for our every day life, the society and our modern civilization. |
Press conference of R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” President with former Formula 1 World Champion Mika Hakkinen, during his tour as an ambassador of “responsible drinking” by Johnnie Walker and "Don\'t Drink and Drive" campaign. The conference also reflected the wider public activation relating to the need of alcohol abstinence before driving.
Mr. Hakkinen’s visit and the following press conference was organized by Diageo Hellas with the participation of R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” for the promotion of the message “Zero Alcohol Consumption Before Driving”. |
Participation in “Road Safety - Traffic Education” conference at Avlona Armored corps Training Camp. 950 Army officers and soldiers attended the event, whose message was “Do not overtake these Christmas Holidays…STOP the road accidents”
R.S.I. supported the Global Road Safety Week and participated in “Prevention of Traffic Accidents” conference, organized by Agrinio Road Traffic Police on November 5th 2007. |
R.S.I. participated in exhibition organized by Ioannina Road Traffic Police on November 3rd 2007. R.S.I. President was the main speaker of the event. |
R.S.I. participated in 7th Athens International Motorshow (May 12-20 2007, at Athens Old International/ East Airport Hellinikon), where the competition “Keep control! Don’t drink and drive!” begun. The competition, related to road safety and alcohol consequences, was organized by R.S.I. in collaboration with DIAGEO – JOHNNIE WALKER. |
President of “Panos Mylonas” Road Safety Institute Ms V.Danelli-Mylona and race driver Tasos Iaveris attended the press conference which took place in GEFYRA S.A Exhibition Center at Antirrio on April 27th 2007, as part of the Global Road Safety Week, targeting in the information and alertness of the citizens and drivers on road safety issues. |
R.S.I. President participated as a member in the National Committee of Road Safety (Ministerial Decision April 2007). |
Participation in “Traffic Education Inside and Outside the School” organized by the 4th Bureau of First Degree Education of Piraeus on February 10, 2007. (Saturday 10 February 2007). |
Presentation at the Greek Parliament, of R.S.I views on the “Amendments on Provisions of Road Traffic Regulation Code” (cod. N.2696 FEK 57A) decided by Hellenic Ministry of Transport and Communication’s, after the decision-invitation by the Standing Committee on Social Affairs (Session of Wednesday January 17th2007). |
Communication-collaboration with various institutions
National Statistical Service of Greece (distribution of original data for further evaluatuin and/ or elaboration), E.K.A.B. (National Centre of Direct Help), S.E.S. (Hellenic Institute of Trasportation Engineers), E.L.P.A. (the Greek Automobile & Touring Club), S.E.A.A. (Association of Motor Vehicle Importers-Representatives - AMVIR), EL.IN.Y.A.E. (Hellenic Institute for Occupational Health and Safety), K.A.P.E (Centre for Renewable Energy Sources), Hellenic Air Force, G.N.A. (Hellenic Air Force General Hospital), etc. |
Support and participation in road safety conference and in scholarship award ceremony in memory of Panos Mylonas, organized by Patras University. Presentation and distribution of the Road Safety Guide (Ceremonial Amphitheatre of Patras University 14-11-2006). |
R.S.I. participated in the 1st TAXI SHOW 2006, the first International Exhibition for professional taxi drivers-taxi owners, (June 16-18 2006 Hellinikon East Airport). |