Granted a request made by Aigio Road Traffic Police, R.S.I. installed two danger signals in the 94th km. of Korinthos-Patras Old National Road, in which many fatal accidents have happened. The road signals were similar to those that had already been installed on the New National Road.
According to a study conducted by the I.O.AS and submitted for approval to Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, a traffic light was installed outside the Kastella Primary School in Evoia. The traffic light was installed with R.S.I. funds at the central road outside the school, daily crossed by many students and their parents.

The installation of a new traffic light in a junction at Poseidonos highway will have be completed until the end of 2009, by the Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, after an R.S.I. proposal that had taken in account the residents’ warnings about the risks of the junction. |
R.S.I. organized a Volunteers Network across Greece with the active participation of people throughout the country in the detection of dangerous spots of the road network. Volunteers are organized and coordinated by region and municipality utilizing and implementing the “Pin Project” Action. designed a constant backing micro-site implementing the “Pin Project” and put it at R.S.I. disposal. Thanks to this project R.S.I. Panos Mylonas uses the modern technology applications in order to find the better solutions for the daily traffic problems. “Panos Mylonas” R.S.I. embraced this action from its very first steps and having the adequate experience, helped in the formation of data to be completed by the Project’s participants. Moreover since December 2007, R.S.I. urged the volunteers to participate in a program that verifies photographs evaluates and gives notice to the competent authorities about topics related to the road safety.

[For further information watch this video:] |
Installation of traffic signals that warn about the dangerous points at the Korinthos-Patras National Road. R.S.I. carried out the study, the detection of dangerous points, the design and the installation of the new traffic signals according to the European standards, under special technical advice given by transport engineers and the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC). The installation’s objective was to contribute in the reduction of traffic accidents in the region and the positive influence on the driver’s behavior until the completion of the new road. The project was entirely funded from Institute’s resources. |
Improvement of traffic lights visibility at signal-controlled junctions in Athens center, in collaboration with the Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. Installation of suspended traffic lights (at arm) contributing to a safer circulation for drivers and pedestrians was completed after the completion and approval of a relevant study made by R.S.I. The improvement installations were made at 22 specific points on Panepistimiou Str., Mesogeion Ave., Vasilissis Sofias Ave., Vasileos Konstantinou Str., Amalias Ave. and Philellinon Street. Institute funded the installations, which helps in the improvement of traffic lights visibility on junctions and securing better safety conditions. |
The first electronic traffic signal (Vehicle Activated messages) installed and brought into operation on 146,7 km. point of Patras-Athens National Road, aiming at the speed reduction by the passing drivers. The installation of the signal, which had been decided from the R.S.I. Members of Board of Directors, demanded time consuming processes due to the collaboration of many public and private entities needed for its completion. (Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, TEO A.E., Region of Western Greece, D.E.S.E.-P.D.E., D.E.I -Public Power Corporation) |
The radar-signpost on the Corinth-Patras road is active again thanks to the support of Mr. Pavlos Marouklas and his company Top Vision that donated the new radar to R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas”. The previous one had been stolen in June 2008. The goal of this vehicle activated messages device is to make the drivers aware of their current speed, so they act accordingly. Also the statistics gathered by the system are evaluated and used by the Institute solely for research and traffic accident prevention purposes. |