The President of RSI "Panos Mylonas" Mrs Vassiliki Danelli
Mylona following the invitation of Turkish Ministry of Transport and
Communication and TUVTURK attended the 4th Stakeholder meeting and Appreciation
Award Ceremony for the Traffic Responsibility Action programme in Turkey which
was also attended by national agencies and selected international Organizations
(6-7 April 2011). During the meeting the progress of the «Act Responsibly in
Traffic - All the time!» was presented, awards were given by Ministry of
Transport and Communication to organizations and personalities that support the
Action. The RSI Panos Mylonas activities have attracted the interest of our
neighbor country, and our attendance there has to do with knowledge transfer,
European and international standards and exchange of experience and best
practices within the framework of a constructive collaboration in resolving the
serious problem of accidents which does not make a distinction of country, color
and religion (Constantinople, 6-7 April 2011). |
2nd AVENUE MEETING, WARSAW, May 30 & 31, 2011
2nd meeting of all partners-organizations active in Road Safety that
participate in the European Program AVENUE (Actions for Vulnerable,Elderly, Novice drivers and road Users in Europe -
for Road Safety) took place in Warsaw, on Monday the 30th and
Tuesday the 31st of November 2011.
2-day meeting aimed in exchanging experience and best practices between the
partners and the establishment of a strategic plan in order to maximize its
social effect.
next partner meeting will be in held in Athens
on November 2011. The launch of the National NEST (Networks and Education for
Safety in Traffic) will take place and other very important activities. |
The Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” participated in the International Conference of Road Safety of Economic Committee for Europe (UNECE) and the BSEC that was organized in the framework of the launching of the Decade of Action for the Road Safety of United Nations. In the UN Conference that took place in Belgrade from the 27th to the 29th of April 2011, participated representatives of governments and Ministers of Transport and Communications, Internal Affairs and Education as well as NGOs and experts of Road Safety, from several countries: Armenia, Georgia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Denmark, Georgia, Italy, Montenegro, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey and United States (27th-29th April 2011).
The President of the
Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” was invited from the European Road Safety
Charter to the Charter awards ceremony which was held on the 1 February 2011
with great success in Brussels.
In addition to the recognition of road safety excellence, some of Europe’s largest multinationals signed their commitment
to the European Road Safety Charter. With an attendee number of more than 250
people the awards ceremony was a unique occasion for all types of stakeholders
to exchange ideas and share knowledge on road safety related issues. The event
hosted some very prestigious speakers such as Mr Siim Kallas, Vice-President of
the European Commission in charge of Transport, Dr. Dinesh Sethi from the World
Health Organization and Sarah Copsey from the European Agency for Safety and
Health at Work (OSHA), (Brussels, 1stofFebruary 2011). |
In the framework of the European Project “AVENUE”
(Actions for Vulnerable, Elderly, Novice drivers and road Users in Europe- for
the Traffic Safety), the Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” had the honor to
have as a guest in Athens,
Mr Kurt Bodewig. Mr Bodewig is the President of the National Road Safety
Organization of Germany (Deutsche Verkehrswacht - DVW) and was Minister for
Transport and Infrastructure in Germany.
During the visit, the Institute informed Mr Bodewig for the situation in
concerning road safety; we exchanged ideas and views and “secured” his
priceless contribution and the organization that he represents to our effort to
inform and train our citizens for the issue of Road Safety.
Mr Bodewig underlined in his interviews to the Press and Television that
road safety and the prevention of road accidents not only contributes to save
lives but also lead to development and social prosperity. (17th of January 2011) |
The Road safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” participated in the International Conference for Road Safety of
UNECE and BSEC that was organized in the framework of the Greek Presidency
of the BSEC under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.
The conference was housed by the Chamber of Ioannina and the Greek Chamber of
Transport with the support by the Precinct of Ipirus.
In the conference actively took part, along with the RSI “Panos
Mylonas”,Governmental Bodies, international Organizations, Universities and Media
of National and regional level.
The Institute presented the educational program “In
Traffic with Safety”, which is supported by the ATTIKI ODOS SA, in which took
part children between the ages of 6 and 11 of the Dodonian School
and little Scouts from Ioannina. The educational material for the program has
been approved by the Ministry of Education and the Pedagogical Institute as
educational appropriate for the utilization by the Specialists of the Ministry
to inform and train the little pupils.
Special attention was given to the announcement of Mrs Mylona of the new
initiative of the RSI that concerns the motivation in world level of the
Scouting Movement for Road Safety that will be carried out for the first time
at the World Jamboree in Sweden
on July 2011 under the auspices of UNECE.
At the Conference was adopted unanimously the “Declaration of Ioannina
for Road Safety”, with which the member Governments of the BSEC are called to
consign national objectives to reduce road accidents by 50% during the decade
2011-2020 and recommend the suitable mechanisms of observation and application
and called the sponsors to finance the initiatives that will be undertaken in national
and regional level in the region of BSEC(18th to 19th of
November 2010). |

The first meeting of all
partners-organizations which are active in the issues of Road Safety and
participate in European Program
AVENUE (Actions for Vulnerable, Elderly, Novice
drivers and road Users in Europe - for Road Safety) took place in Leuuwarden of
the Netherlands,
on Wednesday the 20th of October 2010. The project is implemented
with the attendance of Institutions from Austria,
Bulgaria, Belgium, France,
Germany, Spain, Poland,
Luxemburg, the Netherlands
and Greece.
The three-day meeting concerned the presentation of all partners and work that
each one of them contributes in their country for the reduction and prevention
of traffic incidents and the guidance through the action plan this three
years project. The President of the RSI “Panos Mylonas” and coordinator of the
program AVENUE, Mrs Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona, in the closure of meeting,
stressed out that “the exchange of experiences and the diffusion of best
practices that will be achieved via the program can involve change the
framework of Road Safety in Europe” (The Netherlands, the 20thOctober 2010). |
The Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” successfully organized, for
4th successive year, the event “European Night Without Accidents” in Greece and Cyprus
which took place simultaneously on 27 European countries, on Saturday, 16thof October 2010 in
collaboration with the “Responsible Young Drivers” (RYD) Belgium, presenting to the youth
that alcohol and driving do not go together.
The event was realized in 26
night clubs in 14 cities of Greece,
with the main message “All have fun, ONE does not drink… The DESIGNATED DRIVER”.
Approximately 150 volunteers of the Institute in all 26 night clubs of Greece, were present
during the evening and they encouraged more than 2.500 young people not to consume
alcohol in the case they were constituted as the “Designated Driver”. More than
44% of the participants accepted to do a friendly alcohol test, from which the
1/4 of the results were above the limit. Τhe
contribution of the Traffic Police that trained the volunteers to use the
alcohol devices that they provided for the evening, as well as the Institutions
that collaborate with the RSI were of
great importance for the success of the evening organized.
The “European Night Without Accidents” in Greece was supported by the
Union of the Enterprises of Alcoholic Drinks, Contact of Greek Distillations
and Alcoholic Drinks and AXA Insurance (16 October 2010). |
The President of the Road Safety Institute “Panos
Mylonas” was invited by the Economic Committee for Europe of the United Nations
(U.N.E.C.E.) in Geneva, from the 27 to 30 September 2010 to participate in the
Working Party on Road Traffic Safety (WP.1). Mrs Mylona presented the new
initiative of the RSI concerning a program dedicated
to utilising the resources and method of Scouting to improve Road Safety for
young people in Scouting and in the broader community in each participant home
country and also to build a global alliance for Road Safety through Scouting’s
international dimension. Its aim is
to send the message of Road Safety in 28 millions Scouts (Geneva, 27-30 September 2010). |
The Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” after the
demand of the International Federation of Basketball (FIBA) via the United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe,
contributed in the publication of an informative brochure with the basic rules
of Road Safety, contributing in the campaign of the Federation of Basketball
for Road Safety.
FIBA with the significant contribution of the RSI
“Panos Mylonas" related with intelligent and practical way the rules of Road
Safety with the regulations of Basket, so as to approach the friends of this
popular sport. (August, 2010) |
The President of RSI "Panos Mylonas" was invited by the European Commission to give a speech at panel discussion with subject "the European citizens and their contribution to road safety”. Mrs Vassiliki Danelli – Mylonas gave the speech in the framework of the European Road Safety Action Programme 2011-2020 presentation by the European Commission in the Court Charlemagne in Brussels, in the presence of 400 representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions, organizations and experts on road safety. The presentation of the Action Plan was introduced by Mr. Antonio Tajiani, Vice-President of the European Commission for transport policy and Mr. Leif Zetterberg, State Secretary to the Minister for Communications of Sweden which has the Presidency of the European Union for the second half of 2009. The very interesting results of the public consultation for the European Road Safety Action Programme (2011 - 2020) were presented by Mrs. Isabelle Kardacz, Head of the Road Safety Unit of the Secretariat of the EU Transport (DG TREN). The conclusions of the workshop revealed that the a k ey-problem regarding governance is the lack of political will to give priority to road safety and the lack of coordination between different actors affecting road safety at national and European level. A further problem is the failure to integrate road safety into other policies, which can be reflected at all levels: European, national or local, as well as the lack of availability of reliable statistical data on factors related to the improvement of road safety, the distances covered by vehicles, the causes of road crashes, and the classification of injuries (as serious or light). In addition to the Conference, the new website of the European Commission for Road Safety has been presented, where Organizations and Citizens can be informed on road safety issues: click here to view it. (Brussels, December 2nd 2009)
Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” (RSI –, has organized with great success the event “European Night Without Accident” in Greece and Cyprus together with the European organizations in 27 countries on Saturday night, October 17th 2009, in cooperation with the “Responsible Young Drivers” (RYD) of Belgium, presenting to young people that drinking and driving do not match.
The event took place simultaneously in 17 nightclubs in 10 cities of Greece and in 6 nightclubs in Cyprus, with the message: “All have fun; ONE does not drink… the designated Driver”.
About 100 volunteers of the Institute in the 17 nightclubs were present during the night to motivate more than 2.000 young people not to consume alcohol in the case of being the “designated” driver. More than 40% of participants made a friendly breathalyzer test, of which 1 / 4 of the total were above the limit set by the Highway Code. The help of the Traffic Police was significant by training the RSI volunteers how to use the breathalyzers that were disposed to the Institute, after a request by RSI, for the needs of the event.
This action has been supported by the companies ATTIKI ODOS SA (Athens) and DIAGEO Hellas SA (rest of the country).
In Dublin the Main Council of the European Transport Safety Council (E.T.S.C.) with participation of representatives of its members. The President of RSI attended the event. Alongside the Council, a lecture on drinking and driving had been scheduled, organised by the Road Safety Authority (RSA) of Ireland.
The Irish Minister of Transport attended the event, as well representatives of scientific and social institutions and organizations.
Various questions have been raised by the participants and answers were given respectively by the Minister, the organizers and specialists (Dublin - Ireland, 12-13 October 2009). |
The UNECE Road Safety Forum – Working Party on Road Traffic Safety organized a roundtable with the title: "Are we victims of development success?" to give experts an opportunity to debate what has become a paradox of our times: despite improved awareness, safer vehicles and road infrastructures, better training of drivers, and more expedient trauma care, the casualties and the fatality rates due to road traffic crashes continue to rise. Discussions focused on four major aspects of improved road traffic safety, each of them being introduced by a keynote speaker, followed by a discussion where participants presented national cases and shared relevant experience. Τhe President of the Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas”, invited by UNECE, participated in the roundtable presenting Actions of RSI and Perspectives on Road Safety in Greece (Palais des Nations, Geneva, 22-25 September 2009). |
R.S.I. “Panos Mylonas” president and member of the Decision-making committee of the European program ShLOW – Show me how Slow, Mrs V. Danelli-Mylona, addressed selected students that followed the training camp of the ShLOW program. The lecture was titled: “Planning for Road Safety Projects and Campaigns”, and took place in Brussels. The ShLOW program constitutes a European initiative that is backed up by the European Commission and materialised by 13 organisations in 10 countries. ShLOW’s main field of concern is the effective speed management, which constitutes the single most common cause of death on road accidents and is also harmful to the environment. The program’s goal is to inform and raise awareness of new students and future scientists & managers and to encourage them to take action themselves. This can be done by passing on information to their, respective, districts and fellow citizens concerning speeding, while their actions would be backed by E.T.S.C. and its partners. It is encouraging that already some Greek University (Athens, Aegean and Thessaloniki) students have enrolled to this particular program (Brussels 20-24 April 2009). |
On December 16, 2008 the presentation of the program “ShLOW – Show me How Slow” took place at the University of the Aegean by Mr Gabriel Simcic, representative of the European Transport Safety Council (E.T.S.C.), at Chios. The program ShLOW which deals with the right management of speed contribute to road safety and the protection of the environment through reducing the CO2 emission, attracted the interest of the students who declared their wish to participate to the program. The presence of the President of RSI Mrs Mylona gave the opportunity for the exchange of views between the local institutions and RSI for the promotion of activities aiming to the road safety in the island of Chios.
R.S.I. President and Institute’s transportation engineer Mr S. Efstathiadis participated in the International Symposium of FIA (Federation Internationale Automobile). In the event it was announced the participation of RSI as a Technical Advisor for the development of maps of dangerous spots of the Road Network of our country. RSI will collaborate with ELPA and the international Organisation EuroRAP/iRAP on the issue. (Chania, Grete, Arsenal, October 29-30, 2008).

RSI Panos Mylonas in cooperation with the ‘Responsible Young Drivers” (RYD) of Belgium has organized the “European Night without Accident” on Saturday October 18, 2008. The event took place at eight major cities of Greece and in Nicosia in Cyprus: Athens (CANDY BAR, ENVY-AUTOKINHSH and VILLA MERCEDES), Thessaloniki (SHARK), Patras (DISCO ROOM), Larissa (BUZIOS Live), Kilkis (MY CLUB), Rhodes (CLUB DOME), Chios (LOFT and REMEZZO) and Chania (SENSO) and at Nicosia, Cyprus (BLINKERS, ZOO and SFINAKIA). The same event took place simultaneously at twenty European countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Denmark, Greece, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Ireland, Luxembourg, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Holland, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Finland) with the support of the European Commission, aiming to the promotion of Road Safety issues by increasing the awareness of the public and presenting to the young people that drinking and driving do not match. The message of the event was: “All have fun; ONE does not drink… the designated Driver”. |
The RSI Panos Mylonas supports the program Roads to Respect (R2R) coordinated by the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC). During this program, in which Greek students participate as well, a seminar took place from 29.9.2008 till 3.10.2008 in Brussels. The Transportation Engineer Mr. Stelios Efstathiadis, member of R.S.I, participated in this assembly with a lecture and relevant practice techniques on the issue of the infrastructure – the treatment of the dangerous spots and the means of their solutions. |
Participation of the president of the R.S.I. Panos Mylonas in the Steering Committee for SHLOW-Managing Speed project implemented by ETSC and with the participation of 14 Institutions in 11 countries. The program aims to inform and involve students and new scientists in the effort of “Speed Managing” towards Safe and Sustainable Road Transport – raising citizens’ awareness on the link between safety and sustainability in transport research and policy focusing on speed management as a major aspect in preventing traffic casualties and protecting the environment (Brussels, May 19th 2008).
Activities for the “European day of Courtesy on the Road” took place for the first time in Greece organized by RSI “Panos Mylonas”, aiming to the adoption of a responsible driving behavior. The communication program and awareness campaign of RSI under the message-title “Courtesy on the Road … Civilization and Safety in our lives! The road belongs to everyone”, in collaboration with the Association of the Greek Transportation Engineers and under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, commenced on March 22nd, 2008, a day that was symbolically named as the “Day of Courtesy on the Road” for Greece. To support this effort posters were placed in the Means of Public Transport, an informative leaflet was distributed through the toll posts of Attiki Odos and the Bridge of Rio -Antirio, a radio spot was developed and started being transmitted through the radio stations and a banner was uploaded in Greek websites. In parallel, RSI, with the support of TRAINOSE, presented the results of a recent survey for the Courtesy on the Road and the behavior of Greek drivers, in comparison with the drivers of 11 other European countries. |
Organisation of the European Night without Accidents for Greece, that took place in Athens on October 20th 2007. During the event our volunteers were present at the three biggest nightclubs, AUTOKINISI, ENVY and The HALL, at the same time with 15 other countries and 100 cities in co-operation with the Responsible Young Drivers of Belgium. The motto of the event was : “The alcohol has no place on the road. They all have fun, one does not drink... the designated driver!” sending the message that drinking and driving never go together. Alcotests were carried out by R.S.I. volunteers to the young drivers committed not to drink and drive during that night. |
R.S.I. participated in the 1st Global Road Safety Summit that took place at Tylosand, Sweden (3-5 September 2007). The President of the Institute was honored delegate and keynote speaker. |
R.S.I. supported the “European Summer Contest” for Greece, in cooperation with the European Road Safety Charter for the promotion of the Road Safety in connection with the experiences and the proposals of the citizens and the organizations. (Design and hosting of a relevant informative banner on the website of RSI, August to October 15th 2007) |
Organization of activities for the 1st Global Road Safety Week (April 23-29 2007) following to the decision of the United Nations and the World Health Organization. The Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” in collaboration with the Greek Transport Engineers Association and under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport and Communications has organized the following activities:
1. Conference on “Road Safety in Greece – Trends and Perspectives” (24th April 2007, Conference Hall of theMinistry of Transport) 2. Exhibition-Presentations, paintings and posters of students contest (27-29 April 2007, multi-purpose Hall of ATTIKO METRO – Syntagma square) with over 40.000 visitors. 3. Production of 5.000 posters that have been placed to all the means of public transport in Athens and through the Hellenic Chambers Transport Association in other areas in Greece.

The Greek Road Safety Institute Panos Mylonas signed up the European Road Safety Charter with a commitment to increase awareness and inform citizens in Greece, aiming at the reduction of at least 50% road fatalities until year 2010. |
Organisation of the 1st first high level discussion on road safety in Greece as part of the European Program Road Safety Performance Index (PIN), in cooperation with ETSC - a series of national debates that will take place in 25 countries, comparing the performance in the area of road safety in European countries, aiming to reduce the number of road traffic deaths and injuries, in particular those related to speeding (1st meeting in Athens, Royal Olympic Hotel, November 15th 2006).

Participation in the official opening of Road Safety PIN (Performance Index) Program about the observation and implementation of road safety measures in Europe, organised by the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC). |
22nd February 2006 I.O.ΑS. becomes member of the ETSC (European Transport Safety Council). Meeting with the Administrative Council of ETSC and participation in the Board of Directors in Brussels |