JUNE 22nd, 2010: “Act safely at level crossings!”
International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD) on 22 June 2010
(Paris/Brussels, 21 June 2010) Despite all the measures taken to indicate the presence of level crossings and make them safe, too many road users and pedestrians are killed or injured at such crossings each year right around the world.
E.T.S.C. - Ambitious Road Safety Targets Needed for 2020
14 January 2010, Brussels –More than a hundred EU road safety experts and stakeholders met today at the European Transport Safety Council’s(1) Safety Lunch(2) to discuss new 2020 targets. The European Commission is expected to publish its 4th Road Safety Action Programme (RSAP) this spring.
World Transport Ministers to Tackle Road Safety at First U.N. Conference on Road Safety
18 November 2009, Brussels – Today Transport Ministers, the European Transport Safety
Council and other NGO representatives from over 40 countries will meet at the 1st U.N.
Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Moscow, Russia. The U.N. Conference will be a
historical landmark for countries to join forces in tackling the problems of road safety
globally. The WHO predicts that road traffic injuries will rise to become the fifth leading
cause of death by 2030
World Day of Remembrance of Road Traffic Victims, 15th Nov. 2009
At least 300,000 people are seriously injured on EU roads every year
Governments and EU called to adopt serious injuries reduction targets
Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas (RSI – www.ioas.gr, www.rsi-panosmylonas.gr) has organized with great success the event “European Night Without Accident” in Greece and Cyprus together with the European organization in 27 countries.
Roads to the Future - Alliance for safety and courtesy on the road
Athens, 20 March 2009 - In a Press Conference that was realized today in Aigli Zappeiou, the Institute of Road Safety (R.S.I.) “Panos Mylonas”, continuing consequently its effort for the consolidation of responsible mentality for Greek drivers, presented the new initiative “Roads to the Future… Alliance for safety and courtesy on the road”.
PIN Flash 12 Reducing Child Deaths on European Roads
Some 18,500 children have been killed in road collisions over the past ten years in the EU-27, around 1,200 of them in 2007 alone. At least half of those deaths, 600, could have been avoided, had the level of child road safety been the same across Europe as in Sweden.
Presentation of the Program “Roads to Respect” by the European Transport Safety Council
The presentation, organized in cooperation with the Road Safety Institute Panos Mylonas, the National Technical University of Athens and the University of Patras will take place at the Park Hotel, Athens on Thursday 3rd July at 15.00.
Dangerous spots traffic signs placement on the road KORINTHOS – PATRAS
266 persons lost their lives, 263 were seriously injured while 763 escaped with slight injuries during the period 2000-2004 on the National Road Korinthos - Patras.
Informational Campaign on Road Safety
RSI “Panos Mylonas’’ continues the effort to inform the citizens in an attempt to prevent & minimize the road traffic accidents in our country.
Road Safety PIN Talk in Lisbon, November 2007
Local Road Safety Initiatives Deserve European Boost
22 November 2007, Paris – Together the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) (1) and the French NGO
European Night Without Accident - RESULTS
Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas (RSI – http://www.ioas.gr/, www.rsi-panosmylonas.gr) has organized with great success for the first time in Athens the event “European Night Without Accident” on Saturday night, October 22 2007
European Night without Accident
1 country in 1995... 15 European countries in 2007!On October 20th 2007 the Road Safety Institute Panos Mylonas is present in the biggest nightclubs of Athens